English Prepared Speech

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English Prepared Speech: Marco Polo

Buon giorno, I`m the legendary Italian explorer Marco Polo. Some years just before St. Louis sent his last Crusade I was born in the year 1254 on 15 September in Venice. My father, Niccolo Polo, was a rich merchant who often went on trading journeys to distant lands. Though I was not a noble man by birth, I was brought up like one. I had mastered the classical texts of the time, knew the bible well and was experienced in the matters of the Latin Church. I had a great interest in French and Italian languages which helped in my business dealings. I was curious of practically anything; I even studied rare animals and plants. In 1271, at the age of seventeen, I accompanied my father and my uncle, Maffeo, upon a voyage through the Holy Lands, Persia, Tartary and then over the silk route to China, which was then called Cathay. We spent an agonizing three and a half years to cover a distance of mere 5600 miles of journey through treacherous mountains and burning desert sands to Beijing. The emperor of Cathay was a monarch named Kublai Khan, who welcomed us warmly to his palace. There we stayed there for seventeen years gaining great wealth for rendering services to the emperor. I was a general favourite of the emperor since I had learnt to speak several languages and had attained many skills. I was sent on many important assignments around china and neighbouring counties like Burma and India. I was given great importance in the court. I was fascinated by the lavish lifestyle of the royalty there. I found it hard to believe that paper money could easily be used in place of gold, silver or precious stones. Coal too was a phenomenon to me. Never had I seen little stone-like black pieces that could burn so brightly. The king`s communication system impressed me too. Before our departure for home we accompanied the princess Kokachin to Persia where she would marry a prince. Then we took a ship back to Venice through the Black Sea. When I returned home Cathay was at war with Genoa. I was captured and held prisoner for a year. It was here where my fellow-prisoner, a skilful penman, wrote for me on the experiences I encountered in China, Japan and other Eastern countries. My book was called il Milione (the travels of Marco Polo). It was translated in various languages and read by many. I received a wide acclaim for those who read it, but there were some especially the Europeans who thought me untruthful. I have had a great life seeing the world through my eyes and will not take heed of those who deny my encounters.

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