THC Lesson 07

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Lesson 7 Bible Lesson Luke 5:17-25

When four friends brought their paralyzed friend to a house where Jesus was teaching, they found it packed with no room left. So, Your challenge this week is to they went up on the roof and broke a hole role-play inviting a friend to in it! Then they lowered their friend down church. Ask a parent, Christian to see Jesus. He forgave the sins of the man and then healed the man so he friend or sibling to help you. Write a could walk! The four friends did few words of a simple invitation on an everything they could to help index card. Practice reading the card and their friend. Who can you inviting your partner to church. After you have bring to Jesus? done this, pray together for someone who needs to know about Jesus that you could invite to church.

ome With Me C
ca n



Your Challenge:

i n vi

te fr


Matthew 5:14a

2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Take-Home Challenges

Memory Verse

You will discover Power Po that inviting people to int church is easier when you practice and pray beforehand. Be brave and allow God to lead you to the person who needs Jesus. Lets go help them! Lets work with God to change their life!

t o c h u rc


You are like light for the whole world.

Lesson 7 Bible Lesson Luke 5:17-25

When four friends brought their paralyzed friend to a house where Jesus was teaching, they found

ome With Me C
you could invite to church.



it packed with no room left. But did these four Your challenge this week is to role-play men give up? No way! They went up on the roof inviting a friend to church. Ask a parent, and broke a hole in it! Then they lowered their friend down to see Jesus. Jesus was pleased Christian friend or sibling to help you. with the mens faith. Jesus forgave the sins of the man and then healed the man so Write a few words of a simple invitation on an he could walk! The four friends did index card. Practice reading the card and inviting everything they could to help their friend. Who can you your partner to church. After you have done this, pray bring to Jesus? together for someone who needs to know about Jesus that

Your Challenge:


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heart when it comes to knowing Jesus. Be sure to pray this week for the person youre

Matthew 5:14a

inviting to church with you. Talk to your parents about how you could do a fun thing with this person after the church service, like going to a video arcade or getting ice cream!
2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Take-Home Challenges

Memory Verse

Remember, God loves to work on a persons

t o c h u rc

Power Po int


You are like light for the whole world.

Lesson 7 Bible Lesson Luke 5:17-25

When four friends brought their paralyzed friend to a

me With Me Co
name is:_____. Please RSVP. My number is________.



house where Jesus was teaching, they found it packed with no room left. But did these four men give up? No way! They went up on the roof and broke a hole in it! Then they lowered their friend down to see Jesus. Jesus was pleased with the mens faith. Jesus forgave the sins of the man and then healed the man so he could walk! The four friends did everything they could to help their friend. Who can you bring to Jesus?

Your challenge this week is to make or

Your Challenge:

purchase invitations. When you are having a party and really want people to feel special, you give them an invitation. You could write: Special Event @ Church name. I invite you to attend K.I.D.S. Church with me. There will be exciting

games, cool songs and a fun Bible lesson. Our Pastors


We can arrange transportation.

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i n vi

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2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Take-Home Challenges

Memory Verse

Be sure to pray during the week for those you invited. You will find that inviting people to church is fun. It is always fun to share something important like your relationship with Jesus with others. Tell your friend what to expect, since this could be a new experience. When you arrive at church, introduce your friend to the childrens pastor or K.I.D.S. Church leader.

t o c h u rc

Power Po int


You are like light for the whole world. Matthew 5:14a

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