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FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Georgia Southern University - Georgia OnMyLine FRIT 7134: Collection Development and Organization- Spring 2012 Dr. S.A. Jones

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith Description of Site/ Environmental Scan South Effingham High School is a rural high school in Southeast Georgia serving 9th-12th grade populations, along with a Pre-K class. The school is on a 4 x 4 block schedule allowing for many academic and Career, Technical & Agricultural Education (CTAE) classes. The school currently has 1,437 students enrolled, 155 of which are special education students, and 3 ESOL students. There are 6 administrators, 4 counselors, 2 media specialists, 82 teachers, and 50 support staff. The library houses 17,000 books and 500 videos. There are approximately 70 computers in the media center and another 30 computers in the adjoining media center computer lab. There are also a number of television/LCD projector/DVD/VCR/Laptop/etc.. multimedia carts and other technology available for check out from the media center. Approximately 1,000 items are checked out from the library each month. There are a number of Engineering and Technology courses offered at SEHS, the courses include Foundations of Engineering and Technology, Engineering Concepts, Engineering Applications, Engineering Internship, Energy and Power Technology, Appropriate and Alternative Energy Technologies, Energy Systems Internship, Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Design, Architectural Drawing and Design I, and Architectural Drawing and Design II. There are two teachers that teach these courses and they typically teach four class periods a day with classes containing 28 students each. The classes are pre-requisite based, but any student can take these courses. South Effingham High School does not subscribe to any resources that would be considered above and beyond the generally offered resources. The county does subscribe to the Georgia Career Information System (GCIS), which offers career and education guidance. Recently, the county Special Education department has purchased MECA (Microcomputer Evaluation of Careers and Academics), which is also used as an age-appropriate transition, career exploration, career assessment and vocational

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith assessment system related to training, education and employment, but it is just now in the process of beginning to be implemented.

Curriculum Review/Mapping CTAE has its own set of Foundation Skills associated with the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). CTAE-FS-1 Technical Skills: Learners achieve technical content skills necessary to pursue the full range of careers for all pathways in the program concentration. In the Engineering Pathway, the first standard in the Foundations of Engineering and Technology course states ENGR-FET1 Students will describe the career pathways that are encompassed by Georgia Engineering and Technology Education. (a) Identify potential career opportunities related to engineering and technology. (b) Explain the educational requirements and professional expectations associated with a chosen technological career path. (c) Participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities related to career interests. (d) Participate in hands-on activities related to multiple engineering and technology pathways. While CTAE-FS-1 covers careers in Agriculture, Architecture, Construction, Communications, Transportation, Business, Computer Science, Culinary Arts, Education, Engineering, Technology, Family & Consumer Sciences, Government, Public Safety, Healthcare, Marketing, and more, this plan will only focus on Engineering and Technology, which have a very vast subgroup of career possibilities. As an additional note, each of the other CTAE pathways has a similar standard to ENGR-FET1. One of the assignments that is frequently used has students complete various components within GCIS to assess occupational, career, and educational possibilities for students. After completing the research within GCIS, students are asked to create a resume that they would use to apply for a job in their career field of choice. Students may also be asked to create a presentation about their chosen career and the educational path that they will need to take to achieve their career goals. These projects

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith quite often open students eyes to career possibilities that they had not considered. In some cases, students may also change pathways so that they can begin to follow a career path different than the course pathway in which the project was initially completed in. At the end of the Foundations in Engineering and Technology course, all students should be able to identify and explain a number of different engineering and technology related career opportunities and they should be able to explain the educational pathway involved in those careers. Students should also be able to discuss appropriate topics related to different career opportunities and they should be able to complete hands on projects related to engineering and technology.

Collection Evaluation As part of the collection evaluation the South Effingham High School library collection was compared to the Effingham County High School library collection, a Titlewave assessment was completed, a teacher survey was completed and a student survey was completed. While these assessments did not always yield the same data, they were helpful overall. It was evident that the South Effingham High School library needs to add engineering and technology career related materials to its collection. The initial cursory comparison of South Effingham High Schools library collection to the Effingham County High School library collection was surprising. The ECHS library has far fewer books overall and the age of the material is much older in comparison to the SEHS collection. It is obvious that the SEHS library has done a much better job trying to grow its collection, while providing newer more attractive books. ECHS had not run a Titlewave assessment since the Follett representative demonstrated how to run an assessment in 1993. South Effingham had a much better overall career collection than ECHS, but both schools were lacking in engineering and technology specific material.

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith A Titlewave assessment of South Effinghams library collection showed that when looking at careers overall their collection was actually exemplary. They had an appropriate number of books that were recently published, however when searching for engineering the results were not as good. There were very few books that were actually about engineering and technology careers. When speaking with Engineering and Technology course instructors, it was obvious their opinion of the library collection. Both teachers were quick to tell me that they do not take students to the media center to do research. They said that the only reason a student goes to the media center in their class is if they want to go individually to find something to read unrelated to the courses. They explained that they would like to see more material in the media center related to engineering and technology and that they would use the library more if they felt as though their students could all find usable material that was related to the courses. When speaking with various engineering and technology students, they echoed the same thoughts as their teachers. Most students thought that the library was a great place to go if you wanted to find a book to read for fun or a book for an English or history class, but that there wasnt anything really related to engineering and technology. Students thought that it would be great if the media center had more books on engineering especially in the areas of aerospace engineering and robotics. I also spoke with the media specialist, who told me that the previous media specialist believed that books dealing with careers should be kept within other sections. For example, if someone wanted to be a member of the clergy, then a book about a career in the clergy may be found in the religion section. The media specialist explained that while many books dealing with careers are still within those separate groups, she has developed a section specifically for careers.

Materials Order, Including Budget Summary

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith In order to complete this materials order, I used NoveList, Titlewave, and various catalogs from vendors that were sent to the SEHS library Media Specialist. While some of the books returned in the searches were really good, some were not really great examples that would help students and teachers with the GPS. NoveList provided a number of Engineer and Engineering related Fiction choices, while Titlewave provided Non-fiction and DVD formats. I have tried to purchase a combination of fiction, non-fiction, Audio books, and DVDs. In my original book lists, you will note that I had selected books in Spanish and books in large print to accommodate special student populations, unfortunately where NoveList put the books in Spanish into a category that looked like young adult, Titlewave did not. While I do not show any books in Spanish in my order, you will notice that there are quite a few books on CD. It is my hope that ESOL students will be able to use the books on CD to help them learn English as they read along with the CDs. While I did not exceed the $4,000.00 on the books, I chose to have my books automatically marked for cataloging as a time saver when the books arrive. This put me over my $4,000.00 limit, but if this were the case in reality I would ether make my order smaller, find money in a separate account, or raise money for the few extra dollars as I believe that this service is worth the extra money.

Titlewave Final Book Order

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FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

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Engineering Books


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Date 02/19/2012



Time 09:08:21

List Notes

Do Not Exceed $4,000.00

Total Books (Qty.)

72 $1,857.91 (72) 52 $2,140.16 (52)

Total A/V titles (Qty.)

Total cataloging and processing for Books Total cataloging and processing for Audiovisual Grand total


TBD* $4,052.58

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith *

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When submitting your quote as an order, please check your shipping preference. If you do not check a preference we will use what we have on file. Prices guaranteed through 04/15/2012 For details on cataloging or processing options offered by Follett Library Resources, call customer service at 888.511.5114 ext. 1102 or 815.759.1700 . You have not yet specified A/V cataloging and processing options on TITLEWAVE. If you have options on file with us, we will use those. Books Qt 1st y 24536W8 100 girls -- Gallardo, Adam [ KIR+ VOY+ KLI+ ] {IL FBG 1 YA, 741.5} -- Simon Pulse, 2008. Sylvia, an overachieving thirteen-year-old who skipped two grades in school, starts realizing she has super agility and strength and sets out to find out why. AR: 2.5 UG 1.0 127815EN FLR# Title -- Author -- Publisher : Year Bnd Price Extende d 14.01 14.01

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith 0320VF3 Behemoth -- Westerfeld, Scott [ KIR+ PWK* BUL* HRD 1 SLJ+ VOY+ BKL+ HRN+ ] {IL YA, -Fic-} -Thorndike Press, 2010., 540p Continues the story of Austrian Prince Alek who, in an alternate 1914 Europe, eludes the Germans by traveling in the Leviathan to Constantinople, where he faces a whole new kind of genetically-engineered warships. 08036K3 Biotechnology and genetic engineering -- Peacock, HRD 1 Kathy Wilson [ LBJ+ CHO+ ] {IL YA, 660.6} -- Facts On File, c2010., 349p Presents an overview of issues surrounding the changing role of biotechnology and genetic engineering in countries around the world, and includes primary sources, a chronology, brief biographies of significant individuals in the field, a glossary of terms, and a guide to further research. 13012V2 Biotechnology and genetic engineering -- Yount, Lisa HRD 1 [ WMJ+ WSH+ ] {IL YA, 303.48} -- Facts On File, c2008., 364p Presents an overview of issues surrounding the changing role of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and includes a chronology, brief biographies of significant individuals in the field, a glossary of terms, and a guide to further research. 21516T7 [Multi-Volume Set] Building the world : an encyclopedia of the great engineering projects in history Building the world : an encyclopedia of the great HRD 1 engineering projects in history -- [ CHO+ ] {IL YA, 620} -- Greenwood Press, 2006. Profiles forty-one engineering accomplishments around the world, presented in chronological order, describing their cultural backgrounds, planning and building stages, and historical importance. 216.0 0 216.0 0 25.96 25.96





09985U3 Bunker 10 -- Henderson, Jan-Andrew [ KIR+ WMJ+ HRD 1 BUL+ SLJ+ VOY+ BKL+ LMC+ HRN+ KLI+ ] {IL YA, -Fic-} -- Harcourt, 2007., 253p Something is going terribly wrong at the top secret Pinewood Military Installation, and the teenage geniuses who study and work there are about to discover a horrible truth as they lead a small military force trying to retrieve data and escape before the compound selfdestructs. AR: 4.9 MG 6.0 117256EN Lexile: 680 36927T9 Career opportunities in engineering -- McDavid, PAP 1 Richard A {IL YA, 620} -- Checkmark Books, c2007., 321p Provides descriptions of over eighty jobs in engineering,





FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

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FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

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FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

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Titlewave Analysis of Final Book Order

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Welcome, Justin Keith (Effingham County School District)

Current List: Engineering Books

Dewey / Interest Level Details for: Engineering Books (#8470988)

Wanted (Qty): 124 (124), Price: $3,998.07 Date: 02/18/2012 02:28 PM

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

Dewe y The Hundred Divisions Generalities Philosophy & Psychology Religion Social Sciences Language Natural Sciences & Mathematics

K-3 3-6 5-8 -

Othe YA AD PF r Items (%) -


- 2 (1.6%) - 4 (3.2%) -

2 (1.6%) $132.00 4 (3.2%) $107.55 -

- 5 (4.0%) -

5 (4.0%) $245.00 -

- 5 (4.0%) 55 (44.4% )

5 (4.0%) $211.51 55 (44.4% $2,002.9 ) 4

Technology (Applied Sciences)

The Arts (Fine & Decorative Arts) Literature and Rhetoric Geography and History

- 8 (6.5%)

8 (6.5%) $181.96

2 (1.6%)


- 2 (1.6%)

Nonfiction Items Sub-total:



Nonfiction % Sub-total:



FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith $2,966.0 0

Nonfiction Price Sub-total:

- $2,966.00

Additional Category Listings 43 (34.7% ) 43 (34.7% $1,032.0 ) 7 -


Easy Fiction Auto Biography Individual Biography Collective Biography Pending / Unknown







- $3,998.07

$3,998.0 7

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Justin Keith

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TITLEWAVE Questions: Contact our Library Service Consultants at or 888.511.5114 ext. 1164 or 815.759.1700 or use our Online Help Order Questions: Contact your Customer Care Consultant at or 888.511.5114 ext. 3501 Copyright 2012 Follett Library Resources, Inc. - 1340 Ridgeview Drive - McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone: 888.511.5114 or 815.759.1700 - Fax: 800.852.5458 or 815.759.9831

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Original Book Lists Generated from NoveList Using Search Terms engineer and engineering Book:

Justin Keith

100 girls (Jun 2008) Author: Gallardo, Adam Illustrator: Demong, Todd - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">100 girls</A> Database: NoveList Book: A web of air (Oct 2011) Author: Reeve, Philip Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">A web of air</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book:

Justin Keith

Age of light (Jan 2007) Author: Pratt, Deborah (Deborah M.) Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Age of light</A> Database: NoveList Book: Airman (Jan 2008) Author: Colfer, Eoin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Airman</A> Database: NoveList Book: Angel: a Maximum Ride novel (Feb 2011) Author: Patterson, James, 1947-

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Angel</A> Database: NoveList Book: Artemis Fowl: the time paradox (Jan 2008) Author: Colfer, Eoin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Artemis Fowl: the time paradox</A> Database: NoveList Book: Arthur Conan Doyle, 2nd edition (Jan 2005) Author: Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir, 1859-1930 Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 11 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Arthur Conan Doyle, 2nd edition</A> Database: NoveList Book: Beat the band (Sep 2010) Author: Calame, Don Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Beat the band</A> Database: NoveList Book: Behemoth (Oct 2010) Author: Westerfeld, Scott Illustrator: Thompson, Keith, 1982- - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Behemoth</A> Database: NoveList Book: Birthmarked (Mar 2010) Author: O'Brien, Caragh M. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Birthmarked</A> Database: NoveList Book: Bloodsong (Aug 2007) Author: Burgess, Melvin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 10 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

Justin Keith

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Cut and Paste: <A href="">Bloodsong</A> Database: NoveList Book: Bunker 10 (Oct 2007) Author: Henderson, Jan-Andrew

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Bunker 10</A> Database: NoveList Book: Catwoman: it's only a movie (Jan 2007) Author: Pfeifer, Will Illustrator: Lopez, David - ill. Lopez, Alvaro - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Cut and Paste: <A href="">Catwoman: it's only a movie</A> Database: NoveList Book: Chime (Mar 2011) Author: Billingsley, Franny, 1954Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Chime</A> Database: NoveList Book: Chinese mythology: stories of creation and invention (Oct 2007) Author: Helft, Claude Illustrator: Hong, Chen Jiang - ill. Teens Nonfiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Chinese mythology</A> Database: NoveList Book: City of screams (Oct 2009) Author: Brindley, John, 1954Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">City of screams</A> Database: NoveList Book: Claymore. 1, silver-eyed slayer (Jan 2006) Author: Yagi, Norihiro Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Claymore</A> Database: NoveList Book: Contagion (Oct 2010) Author:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Dahme, Joanne Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Contagion</A> Database: NoveList Book: Crocodile tears (Nov 2009) Author: Horowitz, Anthony, 1955Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Crocodile tears</A> Database: NoveList Book: Day of the assassins: a Jack Christie novel (Oct 2009) Author: O'Brien, Johnny Illustrator: Hardcastle, Nick - ill.

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Day of the assassins</A> Database: NoveList Book: Desperate journey (Oct 2006) Author: Murphy, Jim, 1947Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 3-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Desperate journey</A> Database: NoveList Book: Doing my own thing: a fab life novel (Jun 2011) Author: Carter, Nikki Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan UR:

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Doing my own thing</A> Database: NoveList Book: Double helix (Mar 2004) Author: Werlin, Nancy Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Double helix</A> Database: NoveList Book: Dr. Franklin's island (May 2002) Author: Halam, Ann Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Dr. Franklin's island</A> Database: NoveList Book: Dream racer (Mar 2007) Author: Guest, Jacqueline Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Dream racer</A> Database: NoveList Book: Dreaming in black and white (Jun 2003) Author: Jung, Reinhardt, 1949Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Dreaming in black and white</A> Database: NoveList Book: Dusk (May 2005) Author: Gates, Susan Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Dusk</A> Database: NoveList Book: Enchanter. Vol. 1 (Jan 2006) Author: Kawachi, Izumi Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 10 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Enchanter</A> Database: NoveList

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Book:

Justin Keith

ES, vol. 1 (Jan 2006) Author: Soryo, Fuyumi Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 10 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">ES, vol. 1</A> Database: NoveList Book: ES, vol. 2 (Jan 2006) Author: Soryo, Fuyumi Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">ES, vol. 2</A> Database: NoveList Book: Evil genius (May 2007) Author: Jinks, Catherine Teens Fiction

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Evil genius</A> Database: NoveList Book: Fang: a Maximum Ride novel (Mar 2010) Author: Patterson, James, 1947Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Fang</A> Database: NoveList Book: Farseed (Mar 2007) Author: Sargent, Pamela Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Farseed</A> Database: NoveList Book: Fast track (Aug 2006) Author: Hampshire, Anthony Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Fast track</A> Database: NoveList Book: Fever Crumb (Apr 2010) Author: Reeve, Philip Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Fever Crumb</A> Database: NoveList Book: Fire in the hole! (Oct 2004) Author: Farrell, Mary Cronk Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Fire in the hole!</A> Database: NoveList Book: Firebirds rising: an anthology of original fantasy and science fiction (Apr 2006) Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Firebirds rising</A> Database: NoveList

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Book:

Justin Keith

Fourth World (Apr 2005) Author: Thompson, Kate, 1956Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Fourth World</A> Database: NoveList Book: Full throttle (Aug 2006) Author: Hampshire, Anthony Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Full throttle</A> Database: NoveList Book: Gem X (Apr 2008) Author: Singer, Nicky, 1956Teens Fiction

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Gem X</A> Database: NoveList Book: Ghost soldiers (Feb 2006) Author: Richards, Justin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Ghost soldiers</A> Database: NoveList Book: Grease monkey (May 2006) Author: Eldred, Tim Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Grease monkey</A> Database: NoveList Book: Gundam seed destiny. 1 (Jan 2006) Author: Iwase, Masatsugu Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Gundam seed destiny</A> Database: NoveList Book: H.I.V.E.: Higher-Institute-of-Villainous-Education (Jan 2006) Author: Walden, Mark Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">H.I.V.E</A> Database: NoveList Book: Halo (Aug 2010) Author: Adornetto, Alexandra Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Halo</A> Database: NoveList Book: Impossible things (Mar 2008) Author: Stevenson, Robin, 1968Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-7 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Impossible things</A> Database: NoveList

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Book: Incarceron (Jan 2010) Author: Fisher, Catherine, 1957Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Incarceron</A> Database: NoveList Book: Inconvenient (Nov 2010) Author: Gelbwasser, Margie Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Inconvenient</A> Database: NoveList Book: Jimmy Coates: target (Mar 2007) Author:

Justin Keith

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Craig, Joe, 1979Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Jimmy Coates: target</A> Database: NoveList Book: Laika (Sep 2007) Author: Abadzis, Nick Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Laika</A> Database: NoveList Book: Leviathan (Oct 2009) Author: Westerfeld, Scott Illustrator: Thompson, Keith, 1982- - ill.

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Leviathan</A> Database: NoveList Book: Majestic: meanwhile, back on earth (Jan 2006) Author: Abnett, Dan Illustrator: Googe, Neil - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Majestic: meanwhile, back on earth</A> Database: NoveList Book: Max: a Maximum Ride novel (Mar 2009) Author: Patterson, James, 1947Teens Fiction

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Min/Max Grade level: 7-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Max</A> Database: NoveList Book: Maximum Ride. 1 (Jan 2009) Author: Lee, NaRae Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Maximum Ride</A> Database: NoveList Book: Memento Nora (Apr 2011) Author: Smibert, Angie Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Memento Nora</A> Database: NoveList Book: Montmorency on the rocks: doctor, aristocrat, murderer? (Apr 2005) Author: Updale, Eleanor Illustrator: Hardcastle, Nick - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Montmorency on the rocks</A> Database: NoveList Book: Monumental verses (Jun 2005) Author: Lewis, J. Patrick Teens Nonfiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Cut and Paste: <A href="">Monumental verses</A> Database: NoveList Book: Mortal engines (Nov 2003) Author: Reeve, Philip Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Mortal engines</A> Database: NoveList Book: Neptune's children (Apr 2008) Author: Dobkin, Bonnie Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Neptune's children</A> Database: NoveList Book: On the limit (Aug 2006) Author: Hampshire, Anthony Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">On the limit</A> Database: NoveList Book: Only human (Apr 2006) Author: Thompson, Kate, 1956Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Only human</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book:

Justin Keith

Origins (Oct 2007) Author: Thompson, Kate, 1956Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Origins</A> Database: NoveList Book: Panama (Sep 2009) Author: Hiatt, Shelby Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Panama</A> Database: NoveList Book: Pastworld (Sep 2009) Author: Beck, Ian

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Pastworld</A> Database: NoveList Book: Pretties (Nov 2005) Author: Westerfeld, Scott Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Pretties</A> Database: NoveList Book: Prized (Nov 2011) Author: O'Brien, Caragh M. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Prized</A> Database: NoveList Book: Psy-comm, vol. 1 (Jan 2005) Author: Henderson, Jason, 1971Illustrator: Granger, Shane - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Psy-comm, vol. 1</A> Database: NoveList Book: Pure (Sep 2005) Author: Krossing, Karen, 1965Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 9 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Pure</A> Database: NoveList Book: Remote control (Jan 2010) Author: Heath, Jack, 1986Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Remote control</A> Database: NoveList Book: Repossessed (Jun 2007) Author: Jenkins, A. M. (Amanda McRaney) Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Repossessed</A> Database: NoveList Book: Rites of the healer (Sep 2006) Author: Gray, Anne (Anne Elizabeth) Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Rites of the healer</A> Database: NoveList Book: Samurai 7, vol. 1 (Jan 2009) Author: Kubo, Yoku Illustrator: Suhou, Mizutaka - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Samurai 7, vol. 1</A> Database: NoveList Book: Saving the world and other extreme sports (May 2007) Author: Patterson, James, 1947Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Saving the world and other extreme sports</A> Database: NoveList Book: School's out-- forever (May 2006) Author: Patterson, James, 1947Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">School's out-- forever</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book: Secret keeper (Jan 2009) Author: Perkins, Mitali

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Secret keeper</A> Database: NoveList Book: Shattered sky: book three in the Star shards trilogy (Jun 2002) Author: Shusterman, Neal Teens Fiction UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Shattered sky</A> Database: NoveList Book: Singing the Dogstar blues (Apr 2003) Author:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Goodman, Alison

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Singing the Dogstar blues</A> Database: NoveList Book: Singularity's ring (Feb 2008) Author: Melko, Paul Teens UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Singularity's ring</A> Database: NoveList Book: Skinned (Sep 2008) Author: Wasserman, Robin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: Fiction

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan 7 - 12 UR:

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Skinned</A> Database: NoveList Book: So this is how it ends (Oct 2006) Author: Sutherland, Tui, 1978Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">So this is how it ends</A> Database: NoveList Book: Spacer and Rat (Sep 2005) Author: Bechard, Margaret Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Cut and Paste: <A href="">Spacer and Rat</A> Database: NoveList Book: Spells & sleeping bags (Jun 2007) Author: Mlynowski, Sarah Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Spells & sleeping bags</A> Database: NoveList Book: Steampunk!: an anthology of fantastically rich and strange stories (Oct 2011) Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Steampunk!</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book: Summerland (Oct 2002) Author: Chabon, Michael Illustrator: Joyce, William, 1957- - ill. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: Pre-Kindergarten - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Summerland</A> Database: NoveList Book: Superman vs. Muhammad Ali (Nov 2010) Author: O'Neil, Dennis, 1939Teens UR: Fiction

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Superman vs. Muhammad Ali</A> Database: NoveList Book:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Taking off (Dec 2010) Author: Moss, Jenny, 1958Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Taking off</A> Database: NoveList Book: Tankborn (Oct 2011) Author: Sandler, Karen Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Tankborn</A> Database: NoveList Book: Teen, Inc (Jan 2007) Author: Petrucha, Stefan

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 10 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Teen, Inc</A> Database: NoveList Book: Tell us we're home (May 2010) Author: Budhos, Marina Tamar Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6-9 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Tell us we're home</A> Database: NoveList Book: The abused werewolf rescue group (Apr 2011) Author: Jinks, Catherine Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan UR:

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The abused werewolf rescue group</A> Database: NoveList Book: The angel experiment (Jan 2005) Author: Patterson, James, 1947Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The angel experiment</A> Database: NoveList Book: The astonishing life of Octavian Nothing, traitor to the nation: the pox party (Jan 2006) Author: Anderson, M. T. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The astonishing life of Octavian Nothing, traitor to the nation: the pox party</A> Database: NoveList Book: The betrayal of Natalie Hargrove (Nov 2009) Author: Kate, Lauren Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 8 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The betrayal of Natalie Hargrove</A> Database: NoveList Book: The body at the tower (Aug 2010) Author: Lee, Y. S. (Ying S.), 1974Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">The body at the tower</A> Database: NoveList Book: The Cassandra virus (Mar 2006) Author: Johansen, K. V. (Krista V.), 1968Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5-8 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The Cassandra virus</A> Database: NoveList Book: The death collector (May 2006) Author: Richards, Justin Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The death collector</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book:

Justin Keith

The earthborn (Apr 2003) Author: Collins, Paul, 1954Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The earthborn</A> Database: NoveList Book: The Engineer, vol. 1: Konstrukt (Nov 2009) Author: Churilla, Brian Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The Engineer, vol. 1</A> Database: NoveList Book: The gardener (May 2010)

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Author: Bodeen, S. A. (Stephanie A.), 1965-

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The gardener</A> Database: NoveList Book: The girl in the steel corset (May 2011) Author: Cross, Kady, 1971Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 10 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The girl in the steel corset</A> Database: NoveList Book: The goodness gene (Sep 2005) Author: Levitin, Sonia, 1934-

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The goodness gene</A> Database: NoveList Book: The Karma Club (Apr 2010) Author: Brody, Jessica Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The Karma Club</A> Database: NoveList Book: The lab (Nov 2008) Author: Heath, Jack, 1986Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 5 - 12

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan UR:

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The lab</A> Database: NoveList Book: The lambkins (Aug 2005) Author: Bunting, Eve, 1928Illustrator: Keegan, Jonathan - illustrator Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The lambkins</A> Database: NoveList Book: The love curse of the Rumbaughs (Apr 2006) Author: Gantos, Jack Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The love curse of the Rumbaughs</A> Database: NoveList Book: The mislaid magician, or, ten years after: being the private correspondence between two prominent families regarding a scandal touching the highest levels of government and the security of the realm (Nov 2006) Author: Wrede, Patricia C., 1953Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The mislaid magician, or, ten years after</A> Database: NoveList Book: The Predicteds (Sep 2011) Author: Seifert, Christine Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith Cut and Paste: <A href="">The Predicteds</A> Database: NoveList Book: The rule of claw (Mar 2009) Author: Brindley, John, 1954Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The rule of claw</A> Database: NoveList Book: The spell book of Listen Taylor (Sep 2007) Author: Moriarty, Jaclyn Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">The spell book of Listen Taylor</A> Database: NoveList Book: The twilight prisoner (Apr 2009) Author: Marsh, Katherine Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The twilight prisoner</A> Database: NoveList Book: The Unidentified (Oct 2010) Author: Mariz, Rae Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">The Unidentified</A> Database:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan NoveList Book: To Terra.... Vol. 1 (Jan 2007) Author: Takemiya, Keiko, 1950Teens UR: Fiction

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">To Terra....</A> Database: NoveList Book: Tortall and other lands: a collection of tales (Feb 2011) Author: Pierce, Tamora Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Tortall and other lands</A> Database: NoveList Book: Tyrone's betrayal (Oct 2006) Author:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Velasquez, Gloria Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 9 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Tyrone's betrayal</A> Database: NoveList Book: Under the same sky (Apr 2003) Author: DeFelice, Cynthia C. Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 4 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Under the same sky</A> Database: NoveList Book: Up Molasses Mountain (May 2002) Author: Baker, Julie Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan 4 - 12 UR:

Justin Keith Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Up Molasses Mountain</A> Database: NoveList Book: Useful idiots (Aug 2004) Author: Mark, Jan, 1943-2006 Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Useful idiots</A> Database: NoveList Book: Vesper: a Deviants novel (Jan 2011) Author: Sampson, Jeff, 1982Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Vesper</A> Database: NoveList Book: What can(t) wait (Mar 2011) Author: Perez, Ashley Hope Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">What can(t) wait</A> Database: NoveList Book: Wither (Mar 2011) Author: DeStefano, Lauren Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 7 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste:

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

<A href="">Wither</A> Database: NoveList Book: Wolf mark (Oct 2011) Author: Bruchac, Joseph, 1942Teens Fiction Min/Max Grade level: 6 - 12 UR: Persistent link to this record (Permalink): Cut and Paste: <A href="">Wolf mark</A> Database: NoveList

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Original Book Lists Generated from Titlewave Using Search Terms engineer and engineering

Adolf Eichmann : engineer of death (#01457L1)


AR Quiz

First Choice by Sachs, Ruth - Rosen Pub. Group, p2001, c2001 364.15 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

AR 8, UG, 2, 46515EN Publisher's Hardcover $25.00

Biotechnology and genetic engineering (#08036K3)


First Choice by Peacock, Kathy Wilson - Facts On File, p2010, c2010 660.6 Publisher's Hardcover $45.05 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Biotechnology and genetic engineering (#13012V2)


First Choice by Yount, Lisa - Facts On File, p2008, c2008 303.48 Publisher's Hardcover $45.05 Int Lvl: YA

Body re-builders [videorecording] (#492DED8)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - Discovery School, p2004, c2004 617.9 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Building the world : an encyclopedia of the great engineering projects in history [multivolume set] (#21516T7)


First Choice by - Greenwood Press, p2006, c2006 620 Publisher's Hardcover Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $216.00

Justin Keith

Car of the future : engineering for the environment [videorecording] (#4D842D4)


First Choice by - WGBH Boston Video, p2008, c2008 629.222 DVD $25.01 Int Lvl: YA

Career Ideas for Teens in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math [Not yet published] (#0436HC5)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by - Ferguson, c2011 600 Publisher's Hardcover $45.05 Not yet published: This item is scheduled to be available on November 1, 2012. Int Lvl: YA

Career opportunities in engineering (#36927T9)


First Choice by McDavid, Richard A - Checkmark Books, p2007, c2007 620 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Paperback $19.00

Justin Keith

Careers for the 21st century video library. : Engineering occupations [videorecording] (#4C374D6)


First Choice by - Delphi Productions, p2003, c2003 620 DVD $95.05 Int Lvl: YA

Careers in focus. Engineering. (#18731U0)

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith


First Choice by - Ferguson, p2007, c2007 620 Publisher's Hardcover $33.00 Int Lvl: YA

Careers in network engineering (#0218AJ4)


First Choice by Grayson, Robert, 1951- - Rosen Pub., p2011, c2011 004.6023 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Publisher's Hardcover $24.00

Justin Keith

Changing states of matter [videorecording] (#478ECD3)


First Choice by - Cambridge Educational, p2005, c2004 530.4 DVD $86.40 Int Lvl: YA

Cloning and genetic engineering (#31839X4)

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith


AR Quiz

First Choice by Cefrey, Holly - Children's Press, p2002, c2002 660.6 Int Lvl: YA Rd Lvl: 6.8

AR 6.1, MG, 1, 66673EN; LEX 790 FollettBound Sewn $11.61

Discovery project Earth. : Engineering the future [videorecording] (#42118F7)


First Choice by - Discovery Education, p2009, c2009

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

624.1 DVD $60.00

Int Lvl: YA

Egypt : engineering an empire [videorecording] (#48C05DX)


First Choice by - History Channel , Distributed by New Video, p2006, c2006 932 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Empires : the decisive battles and great warriors of the ancient world [videorecording] (#47510F3)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2010, c2010 321 DVD $100.00 Int Lvl: YA

Endangered animals : the battle against extinction [videorecording] (#43D58F2)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan by - Cambridge Educational, p2005, c2005 591.68 DVD $54.00 Int Lvl: YA

Justin Keith

The Engineer : "Konstrukt" (#39743R9)


First Choice by Churilla, Brian - Archaia Entertainment, p2009, c2007 741.5 Publisher's Hardcover $8.51 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering. (#18273T5)


First Choice by - Ferguson, p2007, c2007 620 Publisher's Hardcover $35.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering : a beginner's guide (#0007EJ2)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by McCarthy, Natasha - Oneworld, p2009, c2009 620 FollettBound Glued $16.71 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : Britain blood and steel [videorecording] (#4272FF7)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 941 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering an empire. : Carthage [videorecording] (#4272DF2)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 939 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : China [videorecording] (#4A667D9)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 931 DVD $24.95 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire : collector's edition [videorecording] (#4AB34F1)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2011, c2011 909 DVD $70.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering an empire. : Da Vinci's world [videorecording] (#4A66DD2)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 945 DVD $24.95 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : Greece ; Greece, age of Alexander [videorecording] (#42731F1)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 938 DVD $30.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : Napoleon steel monster [videorecording] (#42730F4)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 940.2 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering an empire. : Russia [videorecording] (#4272EFX)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 947 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : The Aztecs [videorecording] (#456F9F4)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 972 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : The Byzantines [videorecording] (#4A65AD4)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 949.5 DVD $24.95 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering an empire. : The complete series [videorecording] (#4A910D2)


First Choice by - History Channel , Distributed by New Video, p2007, c2007 909 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire. : The Maya, death empire [videorecording] (#457BDF3)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 972.81 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering an empire : the Persians [videorecording] (#44493F7)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 935 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering an empire [videorecording] (#49155D6)


First Choice by - History Channel , Distributed by New Video, p2007, c2006 909 DVD $50.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering & architecture [videorecording] (#492B9D9)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - Discovery School, p2007, c2007 624 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering disasters 21 [videorecording] (#4C2BADX)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.171 DVD $24.95 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering disasters. : New Orleans [videorecording] (#40888F0)


First Choice by - A & E Television Networks, p2007, c2007 363.34 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering Egypt : how Egypt's two greatest Pharaohs built their way to immortality [videorecording] (#4AF01D6)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by - National Geographic, p2007, c2007 932 DVD $19.97 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering nature. : Engineering earthquakes [videorecording] (#47DE1F7)


First Choice by - Discovery Education, p2009, c2009 551.22 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering nature. : Engineering hurricanes [videorecording] (#47DE2F4)


First Choice by - Discovery Education, p2009, c2009 551.55 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering nature. : Engineering volcanoes [videorecording] (#47DE3F1)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - Discovery Education, p2009, c2009 551.21 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering nature [videorecording] (#47DE8F8)


First Choice by - Discovery Education, p2009, c2009 551 DVD $130.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Engineering statistics demystified (#14321S8)


First Choice by Stephens, Larry J - McGraw-Hill, p2007, c2007 519.502 Paperback $20.00 Int Lvl: YA

Engineering the impossible [videorecording] (#4AF0AD1)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - National Geographic, p2007, c2007 620.009 DVD $27.96 Int Lvl: YA

Environmental engineering : designing a sustainable future (#08152K2)


First Choice by Maczulak, Anne E. (Anne Elizabeth), 1954- - Facts On File, p2010, c2010 628 Publisher's Hardcover $40.05 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Essentials of software engineering (#31696U5)


First Choice by Tsui, Frank F - Jones and Bartlett Publishers, p2011, c2011 005.1 Paperback $108.00 Int Lvl: YA

The ethics of genetic engineering (#38563N3)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - Greenhaven Press ,Thomson/Gale, p2005, c2005 174 Paperback $21.90 Int Lvl: YA

Exploring design, technology, & engineering (#0488VS8)


First Choice by Wright, R. Thomas - Goodheart-Willcox, p2012, c2012 600 Publisher's Hardcover $65.33 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Extreme engineering. (#11358T2)


First Choice by - Rosen Pub., p2007, c2007 600 Publisher's Hardcover $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Extreme Engineering Collection 1 (#4BF25F9)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - Discovery Channel, p2010, c2010 620 DVD $20.03 Int Lvl: YA

Extreme Engineering Collection 2 (#4BF27F3)


First Choice by - Discovery Channel, p2010, c2010 620 DVD $20.03 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Extreme engineering. : Collection two [videorecording] (#40331F0)


First Choice by - Image Entertainment, p2009, c2009 624.1 DVD $20.03 Int Lvl: YA

The Facts on File dictionary of biotechnology and genetic engineering (#28359S7)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by Steinberg, Mark (Mark L.) - Facts On File, p2006, c2006 660.6 Publisher's Hardcover $49.55 Int Lvl: YA

Fed up! : genetic engineering, industrial agriculture, and sustainable alternatives [videorecording] (#4B4D8D4)


First Choice by - Wholesome Goodness Productions, p2002, c2002 338.1 DVD Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $14.95

Justin Keith

Fuels and gases [videorecording] (#478E8D4)


First Choice by - Cambridge Educational, p2005, c2004 533 DVD $86.40 Int Lvl: YA

Genetic engineering (#28423W2)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Roleff, Tamara L., 1959- - ReferencePoint Press, p2008, c2008 174 Publisher's Hardcover $29.16 Int Lvl: YA

Genetic engineering (#13816P6)


First Choice by Spangenburg, Ray, 1939- - Benchmark Books/Marshall Cavendish, p2004, c2004 660.6 Publisher's Hardcover Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $8.70

Justin Keith

Genetic engineering (#0331GV7)


First Choice by - Greenhaven Press, p2012, c2012 174.2 Publisher's Hardcover $29.49 Int Lvl: YA

Genetic engineering : manipulating the mechanisms of life (#15728VX)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Hodge, Russ, 1961- - Facts On File, p2009, c2009 660.6 Publisher's Hardcover $39.55 Int Lvl: YA

Genetic engineering : modern progress or future peril? (#04119U1)


First Choice by Tagliaferro, Linda - Twenty-First Century Books, p2010, c2010 174 Publisher's Hardcover Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $27.00

Justin Keith

Genetic engineering [videorecording] (#493D9F3)


First Choice by - VEA, p2011, c2011 660.6 DVD $100.00 Int Lvl: YA

Genetics and genetic engineering (#27987W2)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Wexler, Barbara - Thomson/Gale, p2008, c2008 576.5 Paperback $49.01 Int Lvl: YA

The great millennium gamble [videorecording] (#492DDD0)


First Choice by - Discovery School, p2004, c2004 388 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Hardy Cross : American engineer (#0KW0F05)


First Choice by Eaton, Leonard K - University of Illinois Press, p2006, c2006 620.0092 Publisher's Hardcover $33.05 Int Lvl: YA

The immune system at work [videorecording] (#48C75D4)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by - Cambridge Educational, p2005, c2004 616.07 DVD $54.00 Int Lvl: YA

Is there a-- engineer inside you? [multi-volume set] (#32350Y7)


First Choice by Baine, Celeste - Engineering Education Service Center, p2007, c2007 620 Paperback $55.70 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

The maritime engineer : careers in naval architecture and marine, ocean and naval engineering (#0031HZ3)


First Choice by Baine, Celeste - Engineering Education Service Center, p2011, c2011 620 Paperback $18.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern genetics : engineering life (#13307S4)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Yount, Lisa - Chelsea House, p2006, c2006 576.5 Publisher's Hardcover $35.05 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Battlefield engineering [videorecording] (#42D4AF6)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video Group, p2008, c2008 623 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 10 [videorecording] (#428BEF2)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 11 [videorecording] (#42884F0)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 12 [videorecording] (#42896F1)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 13 [videorecording] (#4551FF3)


First Choice by - History, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 14 [videorecording] (#428A6F8)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 15 [videorecording] (#428ADF9)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 16 [videorecording] (#428AEF6)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 17 [videorecording] (#428A1F1)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks , New Video, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 18 [videorecording] (#428A9FX)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , New Video, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 19 [videorecording] (#428ABF4)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 20 [videorecording] (#42805F7)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 22 [videorecording] (#4B02AF3)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2010, c2010 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 4 [videorecording] (#4287CF2)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 5 [videorecording] (#42876F9)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 6 [videorecording] (#42883F3)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 7 [videorecording] (#45520F0)


First Choice by - A & E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 8 [videorecording] (#42897F9)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters 9 [videorecording] (#42892F2)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters of the 70's [videorecording] (#42D30F7)


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

Modern marvels. : Engineering disasters [videorecording] (#4D678D6)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - History Channel , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 624.1 DVD $40.00 Int Lvl: YA

Nova. : Emergency mine rescue an engineering triumph in Chile [videorecording] (#47DD7F4)


First Choice by - PBS Distribution, p2011, c2011 622.89 DVD Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $25.04

Justin Keith

Nova. : Engineering Ground Zero [vidoerecording] (#4A1E6F1)


First Choice by - PBS Distribution, p2011, c2011 973.931 DVD $25.04 Int Lvl: YA

Opportunities in engineering careers (#0165EM1)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Basta, Nicholas, 1954- - VGM Career Books, p2003, c2003 620 FollettBound Glued $18.01 Int Lvl: YA

Performance boosters [videorecording] (#492E0D2)


First Choice by - Discovery School, p2004, c2004 620.8 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

The pocket paper engineer : how to make pop-ups step-by-step.Volume 1,Basic forms (#02002P9)


First Choice by Barton, Carol - Popular Kinetics Press, p2005, c2005 736 Spiral Bound $13.77 Int Lvl: YA

The pocket paper engineer : how to make pop-ups step-by-step.Volume 2,Platforms & props (#02991DX)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by Barton, Carol - Popular Kinetics Press, p2008, c2008 736 Spiral Bound $14.87 Int Lvl: YA

Revolution on the road [videorecording] (#492DFD5)


First Choice by - Discovery School, p2004, c2004 629.222 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Roller coasters : maximum thrills, minimum danger [videorecording] (#492E1DX)


First Choice by - Discovery School, p2004, c2004 791 DVD $60.00 Int Lvl: YA

Roman feats of engineering [videorecording] (#48F86D4)


First Choice

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

by - New Dimension Media, p2007, c2007 722 DVD $49.05 Int Lvl: YA

Rome : engineering an empire [videorecording] (#4EDF6D5)


First Choice by - p2007, c2005 937 DVD $24.95 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

Schaum's outlines : physics for engineering and science (#02693T9)


First Choice by Browne, Michael E - McGraw-Hill, p2010, c2010 530 Paperback $21.05 Int Lvl: YA

The science of visual light [videorecording] (#4745BD7)


FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith

First Choice by - Cambridge Educational, p2005, c2004 539.2 DVD $54.00 Int Lvl: YA

Show me science advanced. : Robotics, advances in engineering [videorecording] (#47481FX)


First Choice by - TMW Media Group, p2010, c2010 670.42 DVD Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan $45.00

Justin Keith

So you want to be an engineer? : a guide to success in the engineering profession (#06276S6)


First Choice by Calabrese, Marianne Pilgrim, 1947- - Frederick Fell Publishers, p2009, c2009 620 Paperback $12.76 Int Lvl: YA

The spotter's guide to urban engineering : infrastructure and technology in the modern landscape (#0268QP7)

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith


First Choice by Barrett, Claire - Firefly Books, p2011, c2011 624 Paperback $21.26 Int Lvl: YA

Technology : engineering our world (#0488TS3)


First Choice by Gradwell, John B - Goodheart-Willcox, p2012, c2012 600 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Publisher's Hardcover $64.05

Justin Keith

Things fall apart : forensic engineering (#14988Y9)


First Choice by McIntosh, Kenneth, 1959- - Mason Crest, p2009, c2009 -FicLEX 820 Publisher's Hardcover $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

UFO hunters. : Reverse engineering [videorecording] (#42983F9)

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan

Justin Keith


First Choice by - A&E Television Networks , Distributed by New Video, p2008, c2008 001.942 DVD $25.00 Int Lvl: YA

The Vault guide to engineering diversity programs (#27774U7)


First Choice by Rosen, Rebecca - Vault, p2007, c2007 620 Int Lvl: YA

FRIT 7134: Collection Evaluation and Development Plan Paperback $25.51

Justin Keith

Your right to know : genetic engineering and the secret changes in your food (#23740Q8)


First Choice by Kimbrell, Andrew - Earth Aware, p2007, c2007 631.5 Publisher's Hardcover $42.51 Int Lvl: YA

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