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Presented by: Aley El Din Selim Presented to: Dr.


Problem definition:
Many people love soft drinks and many also like different products with different flavors. As me for example I like to drink pepsi and 7 up so why dont we design a can and divide it into two halves to have two different flavors.

Buying two different cans and drink them. Divide the can vertically and fill it with two different flavors. Divide the can horizontally in the middle and fill it with two different flavors.

Evaluating alternatives:
Buying two cans will cost allot of money, also a regular person wouldnt drink 700ml in order two drink the two different flavors. We couldnt divide the can vertically because you suppose to make two openings at the top whish is too difficult as the diameter of the can is very small. Separating the two flavors horizontally will be easier and we can each open in different side one at the top and the other at the bottom

Best alternative:
The third one I think is the best and I choose it to be my final dissection.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the can height 16 cm diameter 6 cm two openings (top , bottom) horizontal separating sheet in the middle the final cover on the outer surface of the can

The tools:
Two empty cans Cutter Black tape printer Sticker printing paper Transparent sticker

The product:
As pepsi and 7 up are the most drinkable soft drinks all over the world so I chose them to be the two different flavors in my product and I gave it the name PEPSI UP

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