Lesson 14 Dare To Choose Right

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I will Choose the Right SAMPLE Cut and paste

I will obey my parents

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will be nice to my friends

I will help at home and clean my room

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will follow the Commandments

I will be reverent in Primary

I will pay tithing

I will obey my parents

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will be nice to my friends

I will help at home and clean my room

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will follow the Commandments

I will be reverent in Primary

I will pay tithing

Set of 2

I will pay tithing

I will be reverent in Primary

I will pay tithing

I will be reverent in Primary

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will help at home and clean my room

I will follow commandments

I will help at home and clean my room

I will follow commandments

I will obey my parents

I will be nice to my friends

I will obey my parents

I will be nice to my friends

Set of 2

I will pay tithing

I will be reverent in Primary

I will pay tithing

I will be reverent in Primary

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will help my brothers and sisters

I will go to church to learn about Jesus

I will help at home and clean my room

I will follow commandments

I will help at home and clean my room

I will follow commandments

I will obey my parents

I will be nice to my friends

I will obey my parents

I will be nice to my friends

I will Choose the Right

I will Choose the Right

Instructions on Choosing the Right.

As part of the lesson use the large arrows and have children choose one and discuss it.

Copy off arrowsthere is a set of 2 on each page. Cut arrows. Copy off girl or boy page, one for each child. Paste arrows leading to CTR


I will Choose the Right

Set of 15

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