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St Ursulas College Kingsgrove

Technology and Applied Studies Stage 5 Design and Technology

The Portfolio
1/ Project Analysis
Design Brief Design Situation Identification of the need Exploration of the need Criteria for Success Limitations This is a brief statement explaining what you intend to do This gives a background to the problem you are trying to solve. It tells what the problem is, where it is, who it affects etc A list of criteria that must be achieved by your final design. This is a detailed description of factors, which will have a direct influence on your project. These include time, facilities materials, experience, equipment etc...

2/ Organization
Action Plan Time Plan Finance Plan This is a list of the actions you plan to undertake in completing this project. Putting dates/deadlines to the actions you plan to undertake in completing this project. A list of all items and their costs that you anticipate using in the project.

3/ Research
The Environment Where is the product/prototype to be located? This may be drawings or photos and in writing. It is used to justify decisions made as to the aesthetical and functional qualities of your design. What is jewellery? What feature do they have? What is the history of jewellery? How does this affect your project? Pictures and photos of existing products that you can gain ideas from. A detailed description of where the materials used in your project come from and how they are made. Also why they are suitable for the project. This investigates ways of doing things such as casting, soldering etc. A how to guide for the tools and equipment needed to produce your product. A complete list of rules, safety equipment and safe procedures for each of the processes and equipment you intend to use.

Jewellery Existing Designs Materials Manufacturing Techniques Tools Safety

4/ Ideas
Freehand Sketches Formal Drawing (AS 1100) Rendered A series of coloured, freehand sketches showing solutions to the problem. These are detailed with notes explaining the different aspects of the design. A two-dimensional orthogonal drawing of the final design. This is drawn with instruments and to AS1100 standards. A drawing, which gives a realistic likeness to your design. This may be computer generated.

5/ Prototype
Scale Model This is a small non-working model of your final designs. It is made from cheap materials such as plaster or Dukit.

6/ Construction
Plan of construction This outlines each stage of production, in order, listing all processes and equipment.

7/ Final Evaluation
Final Evaluation How well did you achieve the criteria listed in the design brief? What would you do differently?

18/ Logbook
Project Record This shows what actually took place during the construction of the project. It also includes any variation to the original plan.

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