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BMus Degree Planner Classical Performance major

For NEW STUDENTS from 2012. Each box represents one 15-point course. BMus degree requires 360 points in total.

Stage One

MUS 101

MUS 102

MUS 120

MUS 121

MUS 122

MUS 140

MUS 106 or MUS 160

GEn Ed

GEn Ed

Stage Two

MUS 201

MUS 202

MUS 220

MUS 221

MUS 222

MUS 223

MUS 224

MUS 240

Stage Three

MUS 320

MUS 321

MUS 322

MUS 323

MUS 306 389

Note: 1. Students must have at least 180 points above Stage One and 75 points above StageTwo. 2. At least 300points must come from courses listed in the Bachelor of Music Classical Performance major schedule. 3. 30 points must come from courses offered in the General Education (GEn Ed) schedule for this degree. BMus students cannot take MUS 144G, MUS 149G or AnTHRO 106G for General Education.

Students who wish to select Studies in Choral Conducting must include MUS 106, 206, 306, 307.
The information included in this form is correct at the time of going to print, however no responsibility will be accepted for any errors, omissions or subsequent changes to timetabling or courses offered.

See the School of Music or NICAI Student Centre for advice | | 0800 61 62 63

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