RPP Notice

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Lesson Plan Education Unit Subject Theme Class/ Semester Time A location : SMP N 30 Semarang : English : Short Functional

text : VII / II : 2 x 35 minutes

1. Competence Standard 11. To understand the meaning in the simple short functional written text and essay in the forms of short message and notice to interact with the surrounding environment and or in the context of academic. 2. Basic Competence 11.1 To understand correctly and efficiently, the meaning in the written short functional texts, songs, poems, and simple short essay in the forms of: short message and notice related to the surrounding environment and or in the context of academic 3. Indicators I. Cognitive a. Product - writing simple messages and notices in direct interaction or by equipment b. process - Identifying the meaning of the short functional text - Expressing the meaning of the short functional text II. Affective - Developing the attitudes of tolerant, honest, responsibility to someones different opinion Psychomotor - Understanding the short functional, especially short message and notices - Responding kind of short functional text from other sources - Write some short functional text (short message and notice) that receive in direct interaction correctly



Learning Objective I. Cognitive a. Product - the students are able to writing simple messages in direct interaction or by equipment b. process - by giving the text, the students be able to Identify the meaning of the short functional text - by giving the text, the students be able to express the meaning of the short functional text II. Affective - Developing the attitudes of tolerant, honest, responsibility to someones different opinion - The students do questions and answer, become the good listener, express their useful opinions and communicate politely Psychomotor - By giving the text from other sources, the students are able to understanding


the short functional, especially short message and notices By giving the text from other sources, the students are able to responding kind of short functional text from other sources By giving the text from other sources, the students are able to write some short functional text (short message and notice) that receive in direct interaction correctly

5. Teaching Material Functional text is written text which used for everyday information and to help the reader accomplish an everyday task. It is called functional because it helps you function in your daily life. There are kinds of short functional text : invitation, short message, shopping list, announcement, advertisement, notice/ warning etc.  Short message is a written piece of information that you send/leave to another person. SMS (Short Message Service) Short message Memo  Some Tips to write a short message 1. Clear addressee (someone who receives the message) 2. Straight forward 3. If it is an instruction state it clearly. Examples : SMS Hey Faiz, I dont think I can come to your home tomorrow. May be next week. ( Aji)

Who sends the SMS? When will Aji come? Memo Dear Vera, Meet me in the library after school. I have something to show you. Please be there. Angga  Notice is sign or printed statement that gives information or a warning to people. Some example of a notice :

KEEP OFF THE GRASS Do not feed the animals KEEP SILENT


Teaching Method

I. Learning modal: Cooperative Learning II. Learning technique: - Discussion in small group - Question and answer - Silent way - Assignment 7. Teaching and learning activities  Opening : Greeting Introduction Give motivation  Main activities . Exploration : The teacher asks the students about the messages in phone its self. The teacher gives some examples of short messages to the students . Elaboration : The teacher explain about what is short message and the content (sender, receiver, what the message tells about) The students make a simple message with their own sentence Identifying their short message. . Confirmation : clarify the goal of learning process  Closing Summary the lesson Give assignment about the lesson to the student 8. Sources and Media - Hand book for junior high school 7th grade. - Pictures - Some examples of short message. -

9. Assessment - Written test - Spoken test

10. Evaluation: - Kind : Written test - Test : essay - Time : 15 minutes - Questions : 10 questions ( identifying short message) Mengetahui, Guru Pamong Semarang, 8 Februari 2012 Mahasiswa

Sri Rahayu,S.Pd NIP.19650907 198803 2 013

Wawan Priyanto NPM.08429632


Functional Text

Have you ever got a message from your friend?

After studying this unit, students will be able to: Identifying the meaning of the short functional text Expressing the meaning of the short functional text Identifying the word meaning Understanding the functional text Responding the functional text from other sources Write the short message and notice that receive in direct interaction correctly

Section 1
Task 1

Explore your Knowledge

Answer the questions based on your knowledge! 1. Have you ever got a message from someone? 2. Have you ever made a message for someone? 3. What kind of functional text?

Task 2
A. Read the following text to answer the question !


: Mr.Wawan Please don t forget to come to the meeting tomorrow after office hours Hasan

1. What kind of the text above ? 2. Who sends the message ? 3. When will the meeting probably be held?

B. Read the following text to answer the question !

Hey Faiz, I don t think I can make it tomorrow. May be next week ( Jery)
4. Who sends the message? 5. Why does Jery send this message?


Name : Class :

Cross a,b,c or d as the correct answer! Read the following text to answer question 1- 4
To: Aldo Aldo, are you free this afternoon? If you have time, please come to my house. We can do the English assignment together. Ani and Wulan will come, too. Vidi

1. Who sends the message? a. Aldo b. Ani c. Wulan d. Vidi 2. Why does the writer send the message? a. to do his English assignment b. to ask Wulan and Ani to come, too c. to invite the reader to come to his house d. to ask the reader to be free this afternoon 3. . . . are you free . . . The underlined word means . . . a. have no one to do b. have nothing to do c. have to do something d. have a lot of things to do 4. Who will also come to the writers house? a. Ani and Wulan b. Vidi alone c. Anna d. Aldo

Read the following text to answer question 5- 7

Dear Margarita I m afraid I will not be able to join our study club this afternoon. I have to see my dentist. I ve got a problem with one of my teeth. Please send my regards to Laila and Dinar. Rahmat

5. Why does the writer send the message? a. to send regards to Laila and Dinar b. to ask the reader to join the study club c. to tell Margarita that he cannot come to the study club d. to tell Margarita that he has got problem with his dentist 6. From the message we know that the writer . a. has a problem with his tooth b. will join the study club c. does not know Laila d. is a dentist 7. . . . see my dentist . . . The underlined word means . . . . a. a person whose job is to take care of peoples teeth b. a person whose teeth are in a good condition c. a person who wants to visit a patient d. a person who likes to help people Read the following text to answer question 8- 10
Dear Ery, I m sorry for cancelling our plan to go to fishing thia weekend. I hope you are not upset. I promise we will do it next week Dad

8. Who sends the message ? a. Ery b. Erys father c. Erys friend d. Erys teacher 9. . . . for cancelling . . . . The synonym of the bold word is . . . . a. postponing b. delaying c. planning d. calling off 10. I promise we will do . . . The underlined word refers to . . . . a. Ery b. Erys father

c. Erys friend d. Ery and his father Key : Task 2 : 1. Short message 2. Hasan 3. 5 p.m 4. Jery 5. He want give information to Faiz that he cant make something tomorrow. Unit 2 : 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D

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