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ISAAC POKOJ NI 10808 Meri dian Mills, Henderson, NV, 89052 702-635-0080 pokojnij@mail.uc.

edu PROFE SSIONAL SU MMARY Registered Nurse

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Skilled emergency department nurse with 3 years experi ence in a high acuity hospital Competent in management of intensively critical pati ents requiring high levels of critical thi nki ng, accurate clinical assessment and decision making. Hospital Super User for new Endo-Tool computerized glucose management system requiring technical computer skills and ability to teach colleagues as needed. Profi cient i n all departments i n the E.D. with focus on cardiac/respiratory and fast track areas requiring tri age and prioritization skills Trai ned for relief charge nurse

Emergency Medical Technician/ Army Medic y Served as front line medi c duri ng war in Iraq requiring hi gh l evel of critical thinking, planning and independent decision maki ng in volatile situations. Independently triaged, assessed, and treated traumati cally injured soldi ers and foreign citizens Implemented Guide to Good Feet program for platoon w hile deployed to Iraq Taught classes on traumatic injury care and intervention to Combat-life-savers and prospecti ve Iraqi soldi er medics requiring communication skills and superior subject matter knowledge

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CREDENTIALS Registered Nurse BLS PALS ACLS EXPERIENCE Desert Springs Hospital/E.D. Staff Las Vegas, NV St. Rose Dominican Hospital/Nurse Apprentice ICU Henderson, Nevada EMT/A rmy Medic United States Army EDUCATION Masters, Nurse Practitione r University of Ci ncinnati, Ci nci nnati, Ohio Bachelorette, Nursing University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada Associates, Scie nce Jefferson Community College, Watertown, New York 2006 2009 2012 2009-present 2009-present 2002-present 2009-present 2009-present



AFFILIATIONS Sigma Theta Tau (The Honors Society of Nursing) Eme rgency Nursing Association 2011-Current 2009-Current

COMMU NITY SERVICE Co-f ounder/Preside nt TrackYourDeeds Inc. Community outreach organization, Carlsbad, CA


TrackYourDeeds is a community outreach program devol ved to help local families in need w hile influenci ng communities to perform Good Deeds for one another. TrackYourDeeds has hel ped numerous families stricken with unfortunate circumstances and conti nues to motivate communities to support one another through random acts of kindness.

Hospital Volunteer Sai nt Rose Hospital, Henderson, Nevada y 2008-2009

Volunteered at hospital doi ng various assistive tasks such as; feeding pati ents, bathi ng patients, comforting families in need, cleaning, transporting patients.

References available on request

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