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Dont Get Hung By Your Tongue!

Bishop Freddie Steel

The following is a simple and biblically sound outline concerning the power and authority God has placed into our spoken words. 1. Do NOT get hung by your tongue! You WILL eat the 'fruit' of your confession. Life and death, blessing and cursing are in the power of the tongue. Guard EVERY word and confession you make concerning your business, life, family and every part of your life. 2. Whenever you speak God's Word into your situation, you are releasing Spirit, you are sending Gods Word and Life. It is what Joel refers to as prophesying speaking by the Breath of God, the Wind of the Spirit. 3. Whenever you 'lean' to or 'lean' on (prop yourself up by) your own understanding, you are operating under a curse; you cannot serve God and mammon (God = what you don't see; Mammon = what you see). 4. The greatest spiritual obstacles and spiritual warfare does NOT occur in the spirit real but in the battlefield of the mind. The human mind erects literal, spiritual roadblocks and obstacles to the will of God. Spoil them. Drive them out by speaking or hearing the Word of God faithfully. 5. Whatever the mind perceives, the mouth conceives and the bitter fruit and reality are born. From the 'abundance' of the heart the mouth confesses. 6. You MUST make Jesus the Lord of your confession whether those around you understand or not. God's reputation is on the line. I carries a rich reward. 7. Whenever you receive a report of any kind that you know (whether you believe it or not) is contrary to what God has said, you MUST reply with a confession and response that is at least in line with what God's Word says whether you say it in Bibleeze or Christianeze or not. Whenever you get a bad report, you may be able to just say: 'I don't believe that' or 'I don't receive that.' Better yet, simply reply saying that you want to check the report against the Promises of God. But, you MUST devote God's Word to being the focus of your mind and the content of your confession from this point further or, in the Kingdom of God, you are being treasonous and the enemy will take advantage of that like an open door left unattended. 8. You MUST be like Abraham and say: 'I and the Lad (the Promise) will go yonder (to the Mountain of Sacrifice) and worship AND will come again.' In other words, express your confidence and faith in God even in the midst of the high cost of walking by faith. God has a 'Ram' caught in your thicket but only for those who walk in agreement with Him and in obedience to His Word;

9. You may be fearing being made a spectacle if you confess to left-brained people what God has promised. Obey His Word and God will take care of your image and reputation. Honor His Word and His Word will honor you! 11. Confessing God's Word is literal, spiritual sowing and reaping. In the Kingdom of God, there is a spiritual law and principle that says that your 'sowing' and your 'reaping' are one in the same. Once again, you have secured your multiplied harvest of reaping the moment you sow. Confessing and declaring God's Word as the Authority and Lord over every report is spiritual sowing and is a law of the Spirit. The moment you confess is the moment you possess! 12. The Bible says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways, let not that man think he shall receive ANYTHING from God. Double-mindedness is the product of the human mind trying to operate without the absolute saturation and total influence of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God upon his mind, thoughts and conversations/confessions. Force the mind and the mouth to bow to the incorruptible, infallible and living Word of God! SAMPLE CONFESSION 'Tomorrow, hear THE Word of the Lord! I release the anointing upon my dates and destiny. I call for the unmitigated favor of God to hunt us down like a magnet and rest upon us, my family, and every detail of life. I thank You, Heavenly Father, for divine appointments! Thank you that the favor upon me is magnetic and is drawing your very best in my direction. Thank you that promotion comes from the Lord! Thank you that I am being forced to tear down my barns and build bigger ones so that my influence in the Kingdom and in the earth expand exponentially. I confess this is the year of supernatural favor and increase! I am a Son of the Most High God on a divine assignment to reconcile all men to you! Thank you for giving me such supernatural testimonies of provision, miracles, healings, revelations of Truth that I can employ to make You look good, as You Are, and cause men to want to know you! In Jesus' name! Amen!!
Pastor Freddie Steel LIFE Church of Chicagoland 6600 W. 127th Street Palos Heights, IL -

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