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Predominantly Unitary form of Government as opposed to federal organization The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the largest political party in the world with over 70,000,000 members. The bureaucracies in China are organized along territorial and functional lines employing about 10 million people.

The fourth constitution of the People's Republic of China was adopted in 1982. It vests all national legislative power in the hands of the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee. However, in reality, The National People's Congress meets roughly annually and does only a little more than to ratify the decisions already made by the State Council.


Early history Pre - Republican period Rise of the Republic Republican period

China. (2012). Encyclopdia Britannica. China. Jack Leblanc, (2010). Business Republic of China, Blacksmith Books. China, Pranab Bardhan (2010). Awakening GiantsGiants-Feet of Clay. Assessing the rise of China and India, Princeton University India, Press.

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