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Workers and Farmers Solidarity League of Burma (WFSLB)

17 Demands Of Tai Yi Workers are Minimal Rights Of Workers No. 1/2012(WFSLB) Date - 20.2.2012(Monday) Today, the 1,800 workers from Tai Yi slipper factory in Hlaing Tharyar industrial zone, Rangoon, have been on strike for 14 days to get their basic needs. We, the Workers and Farmers Solidarity League of Burma (WFSLB) believe that the 17 demands made by the Tai Yi workers are the minimum standards for the rights and needs of all workers.

We fully support this peaceful and resilient strike of Tai-Yi workers. We also agree with their efforts to overcome the conflicts through negotiations with concerned persons and according to law. Any agreement achieved through negotiation with the employers must be fully guaranteed and carried out by the employers. We strongly denounce the tactics of the employers to stop the workers striking by cutting the water supply and driving the workers out of their hostels.

We earnestly urge U Chit Shein, Director General, Ministry of Labor and concerned authorities to protect the workers in a fair and correct manner. We request all other workers to show their solidarity with the workers from Tai-Yi since the Tai-Yi workers strike reflects the real situation of the daily life of Burmese workers. We also appeal to the ILO and International Organizations to support and protect the workers in the Tai-Yi factory in particular and the rights of all Burmese workers.

Unite All Oppressed Workers and Farmers! Workers and Farmers Solidarity League of Burma (WFSLB) Rangoon, Burma.

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