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Architecture and Sustainability: Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture

Topic: Architecture and Sustainability: Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture Guide: Ar. Sonal Tiwari Introduction Sustainable architecture is a major issue in light of the environmental degradation that the world faces today. The need emerges from the fact that Indian architects have failed to recognize the significance of the social dimension in facilitating the development of sustainable agendas. Vernacular architecture comprises the dwellings and other buildings of the people, related to their environmental context and available resources, utilizing traditional technologies. It is influenced by a great range of different aspects of human behaviour and environment, leading to different building forms for almost every different context. Aim The aim of this research paper is to explore and evaluate the architectural design elements that can be adopted from the vernacular architecture in order to come up with cheaper and better ways of providing good standard sustainable buildings and spaces for rural areas and cities. This paper will examine the some tribal architecture in India to see how it has impacted India and it has been in harmony with the environment. Objective

To study the vernacular/tribal architecture of various regions through different works. To understand the adaptive sustainable features. To create a framework of analysis from different case studies in and around India. To study on the various sustainable materials which can be used can be used in the urban context to protect the ecosystem.

Hypothesis Both urbanization and suburban growth take a heavy toll on the environment and the lack of appropriate technologies and sustainable framework suggests that the architectural profession has failed to recognize need for developing socially appropriate sustainable practices for India. Thinking of the modern materials like glass, steel, polymers we can see our future into a great danger. We have to think of something which can sustain our future.

Gyandeep Jaiswal | 2008BARC065

Architecture and Sustainability: Sustainability in Vernacular Architecture

Research and Design Methodology

Gyandeep Jaiswal | 2008BARC065

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