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1) Identify an existing problem in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, carry out a research into the problem,

explain why is it a problem, 2) What are the current solutions 3) what is your proposed solution(s).

Existing Problem
The current drilling method is too DAMN slow. The low efficiency of current drilling methods are because the oil and gas drilling work always encounter the penetration of hard rocks such as the most common rock types which are sandstone, limestone and shale. Besides, the lifespan of the mechanical drill bits are reduced due to the wear and overheating during the drilling operation. Once the drill bit lost its ability and efficiency of cutting the rocks, tripping in and tripping out of bit and drill pipes are required in order to continue the drilling operation. In addition, different configurations of drill bits work better on different formations; so a number of different drill bits may be inserted and used on one well. This leads to an increased need for tripping in and out ot the bit and drill pipes. Thus, the mechanical drill bits are the major factor that contributes to the low efficiency and high cost of current drilling technology. Challenges for drilling at ultra deep waters are plentiful. At extreme depths, very hard rock is encountered slowing down the drilling process. It has been reported that for wells deeper than 15000 ft, 50% of drilling costs are spent in the last 10% of the well because rates of penetration. are around 2-3 feet per hour (Schlumberger,2004 Schlumberger Data and Consulting Services, 2004.Benchmarking deep drilling final report, November.)

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