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Quality of Summary My honest evaluation- what was done well and what was not of good standard? Try to cite specific example and moments from your video Could have been better if we had used a tripod starting scene at 0:05: this was meant to be an establishing shot, but it is unstable due to it being handheld. Framing could have been more central and it could have been used to establish the importance of the characters placements. The space can be seen as distracting and eye-catching. We met most of our targets and filled the specification but we could have made the mise en scene more appropriate to the script and neater. We didnt use any lighting but we had to edit a scene at 0:36 which was a shot of the sign that was made too dark, therefore we edited it and made it brighter, thats where use of lighting would have been good. We didnt edit much and just stuck to the script. The sound isnt very clear but it is clear that the character onscreen is talking. We didnt judge the framing or positioning of actors. We met targets and we worked well together. Most of our ideas about filming complimented each other. Examples of strategies, good practices and skills that my group and I will put into place and develop to ensure a main production of high quality. Use a tripod to make sure that the film is fluent.

Quality of holding a shot steady

Quality of the framing of shots

Framing and storyboarding to make it more set out.

Quality of shooting material appropriate to the task set- i.e. the content of your film pre and post editing was consistent with the exam directives Quality of selecting mise-enscne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;

Using a more appropriate mise en scene to make it seem more genuine. Using lighting so we would not have to edit it as much afterwards.

Quality of editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer Quality of using sound with images and editing Quality of positioning and movements of actors Quality of group planning, meeting targets, organization Group dynamics i.e. how did your group work together Other points of evaluation (E.g. equipment related etc)

Spend more time focusing on things to edit. Making the characters easier to hear, and distinguishing nondiegetic and diegetic sounds. Using a storyboard to make it more organized. Keep it up. Develop them further.

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