Learning Targets Lesson 11

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I. Lesson 11: Working with Graphic Objects 1. Students will be able to: a.

Insert, edit, and format clip art, WordArt, and images b. Work with AutoShapes, drawing tools, and text boxes c. Create a Web Page using Microsoft Word d. Understand and apply layering of objects 2. Students will also be able to define and recognize the following terms: a. AutoShapes b. Drawing Objects c. Floating Pictures d. HTML e. Inline pictures f. Selection Handles g. Text boxes h. WordArt 3. Formative Assessments a. Self Notes b. Notes Quiz Lesson 11 c. SBS d. Mini Lecture e. Review Questions Lesson 11 f. Projects Lesson 11 4. Summative Assessments a. Real World (Web Page) 11 !

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