Intermediate Coding 2012

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Intermediate Coding 2012 Instructions: Code the following using your ICD-9-CM coding manual. Need Help?

Click here for complete quiz instructions. 1. Encounter for radiation therapy after mastectomy for carcinoma of breast three weeks ago (3 codes)

2. Squamous cell carcinoma of the posterior pharyngeal wall with metastasis to the cervical lymph nodes; excision of cervical lymph nodes (3 codes)

3. Lung mass; transthoracic needle biopsy of the lung (2 codes)

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4. Oat cell carcinoma of middle lobe of right lung; needle aspiration of lung (2 codes)

5. Metastatic carcinoma of liver (unspecified) (2 codes)

6. Primary metastatic carcinoma of the liver (2 codes)

7. Metastatic carcinoma of liver, secondary

8. Hodgkins disease with mixed cellularity, intra-abdominal lymph nodes

9. Osteoma of the acetabulum, specified as malignant in record


Metastatic carcinoma of peritoneum

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11. Metastatic carcinoma of the ovary

12. Metastatic carcinoma spread to the hilus of left lung

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13. Metastatic carcinoma of brain and cervical lymph nodes (199.1 =primary)

14. Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the thyroid (=primary)

15. Melanoma of the lip

16. Serous adenofibroma

17. Pancreatic islet cell adenocarcinoma

18. Lipoma of breast; excision of lipoma (hint: lesion of breast)

19. Breast cancer, lower outer quadrant of breast; modified radical mastectomy

20. Reticulum cell sarcoma of the spleen; partial splenectomy

Instructions: Use your coding manual to assign ICD-9-CM codes to the following: Need Help? Click here for complete quiz instructions. 1. Hemorrhagic cystitis

2. BPH with postvoid dribbling

3. Vesicourethral reflux

4. Acute on chronic renal insufficiency

5. Overactive bladder

6. Pyuria due to perinephric abscess

7. Renal osteodystrophy

8. Adhesions of right ureter

9. Mass of left kidney

10. Acute epididymitis due to Streptococcus

11. Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia II

12. Torsion of testis

13. Diverticulum bladder

14. Solitary right renal cyst

15. Acute on chronic interstitial nephritis

16. This 10-year old female developed fatigue, fevers, and joint swelling and poin. Her symptoms were tereated by her family practice physician with no improvement, so she was referred to a pediatric rheumatologist. The patient was admitted to the hospital for further testing. On hospital day 3, it was determined that a kidney biopsy was necessary to rule out lupus nephritis. After the biopsy was performed, the patient was discharged. Pathology resuls confirmed lupus nephritis, which was suspected. Final Diagnosis: Lupus nephritis Procedure: Kidney biopsy, right

17. A patient was admitted for surgery to repair a hydrocele of the spermatic cord on the left side. This was accomplished with no problem. Final Diagnosis: Hydrocele Procedure: Hydrocelectomy

Instructions: Assign appropriate ICD-9-CM diagnosis & procedure codes to the following: Need Help? Click here for complete quiz instructions. 1. Intrauterine pregnancy, spontaneous delivery, single live born

2. Induction of labor by cervical dilation

3. Intrauterine pregnancy, with pernicious anemia, not delivered

4. Fleshy mole

5. Electively induced abortion, complete

6. Missed abortion, 19 weeks gestation

7. Electively induced abortion, complete, complicated by shock

8. Version and extraction and episiotomy and repair

9. Intrauterine pregnancy, term, delivered right occipitoanterior, live born male infant; second-degree lacerations, perineum

10. Intrauterine pregnancy, with complicating incompetent cervix, undelivered

11. Pregnancy, delivered, with premature labor, single liveborn infant

12. Normal pregnancy, visit to OB clinic for prenatal supervision, 30 weeks gestation, first baby

13. Antenatal screening for Hepatitis B

14. Pregnancy, twins, undelivered, 32 weeks

15. Pregnancy, delivered, 35 weeks; single liveborn infant; patient with known continuous marijuana drug dependence

16. Normal delivery of a single, liveborn baby girl.

17. Ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy, right-sided oophorectomy

18. Pelvic peritonitis following elective abortion completed 5 days ago; patient admitted today with high fever

19. Gestational diabetes, undelivered, 30 weeks

20. Blighted ovum

21. The patient is a 29 year old female, in her 12th week of pregnancy. At school, she developed severe cramping and vaginal bleeding. Upon examination, it was determined that she had an incomplete early spontaneous abortion. She was taken to the operating room where a dilation and curettage was completed to treat abortion.

22. The patient is a 30 year old female seen for an antepartum visit. Her pregnancy is complicated by a urinary tract infection and a drug dependency to heroin which she uses continuously. She is given a prescription for an antibiotic, and is counseled on how her drug abuse is hurting her pregnancy.

23. A 34 year old woman presents for an antepartum visit. She is diagnosed with abnormal glucose tolerance test. She will return in 1 week to have test repeated.

24. The patient is a 28 -year-old female and is full- term. An induction is performed by artificial rupture of membranes to deliver baby.

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25. The patient is a 27 year old female presents in labor. Pregnancy is complicated by, twins, 33 weeks, and premature rupture of membranes. A spontaneous delivery of premature twins, vertex, position, both live born. Postpartum pulmonary embolism is also noted.

Need Help? Click here for complete quiz instructions. Instructions: For these coding scenarios, assume the baby is a newborn only if it states Baby's chart. Assume other congential anomalies are during follow-up visits. 1. Patent ductus arteriosus

2. Congenital hydrocephalus

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3. Term birth, male; incomplete cleft lip on right side (born in hospital)

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4. Babys chart; Male newborn, congenital hip dysplasia

5. Newborn male, premature (1400 grams); hyaline membrane disease (hint: 4 codes)

6. Newborn twins; #1 delivered in parking lot of hospital; #2 delivered after admission of mother

7. Intrauterine pregnancy, 12 weeks gestation, undelivered, with mild hyeremesis gravidarium

8. Elderly primigravida (37 years old); term delivery, spontaneous, of living female infant; episiotomy and repair

9. Fetal monitoring during labor; episiotomy and episiorrhaphy

10. Intrauterine pregnancy, near-term, delivered, spontaneous; third-stage hemorrhage with anemia secondary to acute blood loss; twins, both liveborn (hint: 5 codes)

11. Elective sterilization following delivery (px)

12. Intrauterine pregnancy with complicating incompetent cervix, undelivered; modified Shirodkar operation

13. Delivery, stillborn male infant, brow presentation; obstructed labor; version and extraction; episiotomy and repair (hint: 4 diagnosis codes, 2 procedure codes)

14. Postpartum uterine atony without hemorrhage occurring two weeks after delivery

15. Delivery, term, conjoined twins; 34 weeks gestation; outcome of delivery, twins, both liveborn; classical cesarean section

16. Visit for procreative counseling using natural family planning


Intrauterine pregnancy, 12 weeks, with long-standing essential hypertension being monitored closely

18. Encounter for in-vitro fertilization (IVF); infertility due to obstructed fallopian tube; previous pregnancy resulting from IVF

19. Outpatient evaluation of fetal bradycardia

20. Term pregnancy with breech delivery of female infant followed by sterilization; breech extraction; bilateral partial salpingectomy (hint: 3 diagnoses and 2 procedures)

Instructions: Assign diagnosis codes for the following. You do not have to add E-codes. Injuries and E-codes Need Help? Click here for complete quiz instructions. 1. Fracture, radius, lower end

2. Dislocation elbow, lateral

3. Open wound, laceration, hand, with foreign body

4. Foreign body in conjunctiva

5. Burn, second- and third-degree, of lower legs

6. Laceration of scalp with infection present

7. Burn, first- and second-degree, of chest

8. Contusions of face, chest, and arms

9. Fracture of nasal bones

10. Insect bites on lower extremities

11. Fracture, humerus, neck, open

12. Fracture, tibia, shaft, with fibula

13. Laceration of eardrum

14. Laceration of nasal cavity

15. Abrasion of face

16. Dislocation of clavicle

17. Dislocation of ulna, open

18. Spinal lumbar injury

19. Second degree ankle burn

20. Deep third degree burn of trunk

Instructions: Code the following, and remember to use E-codes when needed. Need Help? Click here for complete quiz instructions. 1. Acute renal failure due to obstructed Foley catheter

2. Cardiac biopsy shows mild rejection of heart transplant

3. Ventilation pneumonia

4. Fracture of hip prosthesis

5. Fever likely due to postoperative atelectasis

6. Severe nausea and vomiting postop


Acute respiratory insufficiency due to surgery

8. Neuroma of amputation stump; patient has left AKA

9. Infected stitches post appendectomy

10. Restenosis of cardiac stent

11. Patient with decreased visual acuity due to corneal graft rejection. Admitted for cadaver keratoplasty.

12. Patient admitted with an infected seroma of abdominal surgical wound. Cultures were positive for Streptoccocus. The seroma was incised and drained.

13. Patient was admitted for TAH due to symptomatic fibroids. The bladder was accidentally lacerated during the procedure and was repaired with suture.


Patient had an outpatient procedure this morning and was discharged in stable condition. Patient returns because of inability to void. A Foley catheter was inserted. Diagnosis: Postoperative urinary retention.

15. Patient had bariatric surgery 2 years ago and has lost 150 pounds. She was admitted for panniculectomy and repair of incisional hernia. Surgery was performed without complications. On postop day 2, the patient became short of breath with chest pain. Emergency CT showed numerous PEs. The patients condition deteriorated, and she expired. Autopsy was ordered.


If I could please have this by Statuary, it would be fantastic. Thanks Ally.

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