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Stepmom number Name characteristic s




Nice Claimed that she has the ability to read peoples aura Believe on zodiac Didnt eat shop bread , coffee ( on diet ) Spent all time kissing and cuddling with Dad Hate jazz Started the launchbox system Dad was dippy in love with her .

Has rules for EVERYTHING . literally. ( page 72 to see her rules ) ( she was too strict that Ralph thought he would behave brilliantly in jail ) Dad liked her . He thought she was sensible and organized .

Flora (means flower )

Not married to Dad yet ( Dads girlfriend ) but has already carried his baby . Claimed that shes too young to be the boys mother . Did many terrible things to Ralph ( but still , Ralph loves her ! ) Doesnt took great care of her baby.

How does Ralph feel about her ?

He thinks shes brilliant because she was good fun and bought super presents .

She was so keen on rules that Ralph thought he would behave brilliantly in jail .

Ralph thinks she is wonderful eventhough she has done a lot of terrible things to him ( page 79) Ralph feels the baby shes carrying is his responsibility. ( he even read the baby books ! ) How the boys meet her ; Edward found her lying naked on dads patio , enjoying the Sun . She didnt bother to cover herself up . Instead , she asked Edward to cover up himself . They had a long chat about skin disease ( leprosy and nappy rash ) George went shopping together with her and Dad . She keeps taking expensive foreign foods .At last , she claimed tat shes far too young to be Georges mother . Ralph met at Dads house . Flora stormed off and phoned Dad . They went outside till midnight although it was school night to warn Dad .

Did George and Edward like her ? why ?

No . Because she never left them alone with Dad. She also made them drink Dandelion Tea and starve to death just only to bake the bread by herself . Evidence : they always try to embrass her in front of Dad by denying her aura-reading things. No . Evidence : Mom nagged at Dad over the phone when George complained to Mom about Annabel .

Yes . Because she was too busy with her kids that George and Edward had time alone with Dad . No . Because she was so keen on rules .

Did Mom likes her ? Why ?

Yes . Because she thougt Janet organized their life . Janet laundered her kids clothes so beautifully . Evidence : mom spent hours on phone with her , and didnt bother Dad when Janet came.

Did she separate with Dad ? why ?

Yes . Brandy the cat , curled into the dough she made . She went mad and said that Brandy was an evil beast and had a malevolent aura . Dad burst out laughing and said she was being ridiculous . Soon , they separated .

Yes . She said that Mom and Dad took advantage of her . Dad fixed up work trips when George , Edward and Ralph was around. Mom sneaked Victors cloth in Edwards bag , hoping that she will wash them . They were so happy . It was like suddenly being set free . George even organized a ceremony for dropping the butter-knife down the drain .

How do the boys ( Edward , George and Ralph ) feel when she left ?

They neither miss nor mind her absence , as she was more of Dads girlfriend than a real stepmother .

Janet had rules about everything . Rules about how you could watch on telly, and for how long . Rules about time everyone had to go to bed , and when they had to get up , even on Saturdays . She even had rules about what sort of food you were allowed to take out of the fridge without asking . She used to treat a lump af cheese as if it were the crown jewel . And mealtimes were the worst . Janet had rules about how you had to chew , and what to do with your elbows , and how to hold your knife and fork , and not sliding the butter dish along like a hockey puck . there was a special knife for the butter dish . there was a special spoon for the spread .

Prepared by ; Hani Ihsanuddin Huda Ihsanuddin Nurul Aida Kasim Nurul Faizzatul Nadia Malek SAMTiSH

. 2012 . 5 Firdaus.

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