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n = size(A,1); m = size(b,2); A = [A,b];

%getting n %getting m %produces the augmented matrix

%elimination process for i = 1:n p = i; %trivial pivoting will take place if one of the pivot is zero while A(p,i)== 0 & p <= n p = p+1; end if p == n+1 disp('No unique solution'); break else if p ~= i T = A(i,:); A(i,:) = A(p,:); A(p,:) = T; end end for j = 1:i-1 m(j,i) = A(j,i)/A(i,i); for k = i+1:n+m A(j,k) = A(j,k) - m(j,i)*A(i,k); end end for j = i+1:n m(j,i) = A(j,i)/A(i,i); for k = i+1:n+m A(j,k) = A(j,k) - m(j,i)*A(i,k); end end end

%the solutions for p = 1:m x(n,p) = A(n,n+p)/A(n,n); end for i = 1:n if A(i,i)== 0 disp('No unique solution') return else for p = 1:m x(i,p) = A(i,n+p)/A(i,i); end end end

function jacobi(A, b, N) %Jacobi(A, b, N) solve iteratively a system of linear equations whereby %A is the coefficient matrix, and b is the right-hand side column vector. %N is the maximum number of iterations. %The method implemented is the Jacobi iterative. %The starting vector is the null vector, but can be adjusted to one's needs. %The iterative form is based on the Jacobi transition/iteration matrix %Tj = inv(D)*(L+U) and the constant vector cj = inv(D)*b. %The output is the solution vector x. %This file follows the algorithmic guidelines given in the book %Numerical Analysis, 7th Ed, by Burden & Faires %Author: Alain G. Kapitho %Date : Dec. 2005 %Rev. : Aug. 2007 n = size(A,1); %splitting matrix A into the three matrices L, U and D D = diag(diag(A)); L = tril(-A,-1); U = triu(-A,1); %transition matrix and constant vector used for iterations Tj = inv(D)*(L+U); cj = inv(D)*b; tol = 1e-05; k = 1; x = zeros(n,1);

%starting vector

while k <= N x(:,k+1) = Tj*x(:,k) + cj; if norm(x(:,k+1)-x(:,k)) < tol disp('The procedure was successful') disp('Condition ||x^(k+1) - x^(k)|| < tol was met after k iterations') disp(k); disp('x = ');disp(x(:,k+1)); break end k = k+1; end if norm(x(:,k+1)- x(:,k)) > tol || k > N disp('Maximum number of iterations reached without satisfying condition:') disp('||x^(k+1) - x^(k)|| < tol'); disp(tol); disp('Please, examine the sequence of iterates') disp('In case you observe convergence, then increase the maximum number of iterations') disp('In case of divergence, the matrix may not be diagonally dominant') disp(x'); end

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