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LEARNING AREA Social Studies Term 3 2008 Weeks 1 - 10 Room 4

Achievement Objectives / Global Learning Intention: Students will:

Level 3 T, C & C Look at how the ideas and actions of people in the past changed the lives of others
Level 3 S P Inquiry - collect, process, and communicate information about human society values exploration
- explore and analyse values Social Decision Making
Level 3 S O Make decisions about possible social action
Say how leadership of groups is acquired and exercised

KEY COMPETENCIES: Thinking creatively / logically, use symbols / knowledge in meaningful ways
LI 1 WALH different people I can discuss the roles that 1. Brainstorm of sports and
have different roles within different groups have at the other aspects.
groups. Olympics eg flag bearers, 2. Daily discussion through:
officials - current events
- class Olympic study
3. Reading of:
LI 2. WALH and why I can discuss how rules are - Olympic stories
people make and implement made for different sports at - Journal articles
rules and laws. the Olympics. 4. Using:
- newspapers
- encyclopedias
- CD ROM’s
LI 3 WALH athletes prepare I can describe the demands - on-line resources
for and compete at the that a major event place on to research:
Olympics. an athlete and the way that - Olympic history
athletes train it. - Olympic sports
- one Olympic nation
to complete:
LI 4 WAL about the history I can describe how the - class (buddy) research
of the Olympic Games and Olympics began and how project.
the role they play in the they affect the world today. - individual presentation on
world. an Olympic sport / nation.
5. Participation in the school
Olympic ceremony and sports
LI 5 WAL about the sports I can list some of the events events.
that are part of the Olympic that are competed for at the
Games. Olympics.

CWSN Names / Activities CWSA Names / Activities


Pre - / Post – Evaluation

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