Minutes 11-16-11

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Meeting Minutes November 16th, 2011 I. Attendence Name (Last, First) Jones, Geoffrey Barkin, Pauline Goodwine, Chaz Tobin, Chelsea Traynor, Keith Karnick, Matthew Camino, Javier McGuoirk, Elizabeth Heinbokel, Christopher White, Jabari Tuccio, Mike Hughsted, Tom Squire, Aaron II.

Position President Vice President Secretary Public Relations Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Alumni Member Member

Required (Y/N) Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N

Attendance Present Present Present Present Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present

Readings of Correspondence A. None Old Business A. Union club approval was submitted a. Waiting to hear back as to when we re presenting to e board B. AIGC meeting went well a. No questions were asked New Business A. Defining Key tasks for this upcoming year a. Spring Rush meet the Greeks event i. Chelsea Tobin is point person



ii. Needs planning and advertising iii. Look into Hunt s Department helping to organize this iv. Funding estimate ~$150 1. Potential to get money from IFC and PAN v. Advertise through IFC and PAN to get better involvement vi. use president email list for this as well 1. action item pick a date and room 2. advertising 3. invite chapters 4. confirm attendees b. Safe Zone program needs to be available for next semester i. Point people: Matt Karnick, Pauline Barkin, Geoff Jones ii. Work with RPA iii. Stickers and pin for training fee 1. For new pledge classes iv. Complete by February 6th v. Goal of 10 houses trained by May 1st vi. Allies on the panel, all Greek vii. Set up Greek Safe Zone for Greek Spectrum during study days viii. Students give presentation 1. Look into new presenters (Matt Hunt, Ray Lutzky) ix. Purchase guide from Lambda 10 ($89.95) x. Suicide help resources c. Alumni Involvement i. Tom Hughsted is point person ii. Coming out stories iii. Alumni mentorship program iv. Recruit alumni v. Send to AIGC to ask for mentors d. Publicity i. Chelsea Tobin is point person ii. Go to every house and speak with New Member Educator iii. Spectrum representative, someone to go to IFC and PAN and AIGC 1. try to get a pledge representative 2. for spring need full member

e. 5 star i. Organize with Matt Hunt at next ecomm meeting f. Questionnaire review i. Jabari White is point person ii. Change to fit RPI language iii. Rush/Recruit for formal recruitment iv. Which questions are extraneous v. Adjust for NA for Greeks who do not have house vi. Eliminate university level g. National and local policies on recruitment i. In reference to trans/orientation/health status ii. Highlight positive examples of pro LGBTQIA Greek Life h. Website blurb i. Create ASAP i. Facebook page i. Create a list of resources for website 1. Add more links to Lambda 10 articles j. Offer peer to peer advice i. Realization that these are not professionals ii. Peer support group B. Treasurer a. Jabari White elected to fill this executive position b. Will work on drafting a starter budget i. Even though we have no money, draft something so we can appropriately ask for money C. Executive Committee a. Needs to follow up with appointed committee heads (each focus is a different committee) b. Committee Groups and tasks i. Constitution needs modification 1. Mike Tuccio is point person ii. Define the different membership levels iii. Officers must be full member iv. Spring recruitment event v. Design safe zone program vi. Publicity event vii. Additional goals

1. Make our own video 2. Letter making 3. Blood drive for people who can t give blood 4. Working constitution by next semester viii. When is good for next semester D. Outreach a. Tufts has strong LGBTQ ally program b. Northwestern has a good program c. Cornell as well d. OU too

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