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Answer 01 (a) Given liner system as; -10x + 14y +3z = 74 +x + 17y + 9z = 85 -13x 8y + 3z = 14 From the given liner

r system we can find the coefficient matrix and constant vector matrix as;

According to the Gauss Jordon elimination method, the give liner system can be solved by using the following steps;
Coefficient Matrix
Constant vector Matrix

Identity Matrix

Step 01: Row 01= Row 01/ -10

Step 02: Row 03= Row 01*13 + Row 03

Step 03: Row 02= Row 02/17

Step 04: Row 03= Row 02*131/5 + Row 03

Step 05: Row 03= Row 03/ (441/34)

Step 06: Row 02= Row 03* (-9/17) + Row 02

Step 07: Row 01= Row 03* (3/10) + Row 01

Step 08: Row 01= Row 02* (7/5) + Row 01

Answer 01 (b) Given liner system as; -2x 3y + 1z = -5 +3x +2y z = 85 +x +4y 5z = 3 From the given liner system we can find the coefficient matrix and constant vector matrix as;

According to the Gauss Jordon elimination method, the give liner system can be solved by using the following steps;
Coefficient Matrix
Constant vector Matrix

Identity Matrix

Step 01: Row 01= Row 01/ -2

Step 02: Row 02= Row 01* (-3) + Row 02

Step 03: Row 02= Row 02/ (-5/2)

Step 04: Row 03= Row 02* (-4) + Row 03

Step 05: Row 03= Row 03/ (-13/5)

Step 06: Row 02= Row 03* (3/5) + Row 02

Step 07: Row 01= Row 03* (1/2) + Row 01

Step 08: Row 01= Row 02* (-3/2) + Row 01

Answer 01


a. 1. Total intermediate input of the industry = 0.3 + 0.6 + 0.1 = 1.00 2. Total intermediate input of the industry = 0.23 + 0.45 + 0.67 = 1.35 3. Total intermediate input of the industry = 0.11 + 0.22 + 0.23 = 0.56 b. 1. The Primary input of industry = 1 1 = 0 2. The Primary input of industry = 1- 1.35 = -0.35 3. The Primary input of industry = 1- 0.56 = 0.44 c. Industry and are not economically justifiable as they have consequently 0 and negative primary inputs. d.



From Matrix A open input output system can be expressed in the form of (I- A)*X = d as follows;

Where, X* =

(I-A) =


Now the Cofactor Matrix is;


CT =

The determinants of (I-A) is as follows; |I-A| = a11*c11+a12*c12+a13*c13 = 0.7*0.1661+ 0.77*0.394 + 0.89*(-0.363) = 0.11627+ 0.30338 0.32307 = 0.09658 So (I-A)-1 = CT* 1/|I-A|

= (1/0.09658)* Then,

X* = (1/0.09658)*

And, X1* = (1/0.09658)* * =

X2* = (1/0.09658)*

X3* = (1/0.09658)*

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