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The story of King Midas provides a very important lesson to every reader.

Midas was the king of Pessinus, which was the capitol of Phrygia. He was famous for his amazing rose garden. Dionysus, the god of wine, was followed by alcoholic satyrs, which were half men, half goat. Silenus was the leader of the satyrs. One day, Silenus fell asleep in King Midas magnificent rose garden. He was discovered by Midas guards and brought straight to the king. We found this satyr in your rose garden, my lord, said the head guard. But Midas was kind and didn t punish the drowsy satyr. Instead, he let Silenus stay with him for five days. He was very well looked after with large feasts and a large room. Dionysus was very grateful to King Midas. You may have one single wish, said Dionysus. For being an impeccable host. Midas then wished for everything he touched to turn to gold! Dionysus warned him that that was a very risky wish. But Midas flapped him hand at the god, telling him to be quiet. So Dionysus granted his wish. At first, King Midas saw this as a wonderful gift! He touched his chaise, which turned solid gold after a few seconds. Then, he touched all the walls, furniture and dcor. After awhile, though, he started to see this as a terrible curse. When he tried to eat, his food turned gold, when he tried to drink, the liquid turned to inedible liquid gold. The last straw was when he tried to hug his daughter. The girl, screaming at her father, turned to precious metal right in front of the King s horrified eyes.

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