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BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY Department of Physics, Applied Physics and Astronomy Astronomy 115, Observational Lab Policies and Procedures

Spring 2012

Required Materials: 1. Access code for the web site (if you completed Astronomy 114 more than two semesters ago, send an email with your name, B-number, and semester/year you completed Astronomy 114 to 2. 6th custom edition of The Cosmic Perspective for Binghamton University. 3. The Astronomy 115 Lab Answer Book. You must have an original answer book to submit. Procedure: 1. Come to class with the materials listed above. 2. The lab instructor will take attendance. If you are more than 10 minutes late, your attendance will not be counted, but you should stay to work on the lab. 3. Work on the lab putting your answers in the lab answer book. Ask questions if you have problems. 4. Starting no earlier than 10 minutes before the end of the class, the lab instructor will initial that weeks lab work in your answer book. 5. Do not remove pages from the lab answer book. 6. Once you have completed 10 labs with no missing answers and all labs initialed, you will turn in the entire lab answer book to the lab instructor after the 10th lab for grading at the end of the semester. Your lab instructor will set the due date. Grading: 1. Your grade starts with 100 points. 2. For every lab that is not complete, 5 points are subtracted. 3. For every lab class missed, which includes no initials on a lab, 2 points are subtracted. 4. The total number of points determines the grade. 5. Example #1: John Smith has 10 completed, initialed labs, and no absences. Point total is 100 and his lab grade is an A. 6. Example #2: Nancy Lee missed two lab classes (-4), has 9 completed labs (-5), 8 with initials. Her point total is 91 and her lab grade is A-. Any questions about the above policies and procedures should be addressed to Mr. Telesca at Plagiarism and/or forging lab instructors initials will result in the assignments of a grade of F for the semester. There are no make-ups. If you miss a lab, you can finish it on your own. You will lose the two points for attendance. You must be enrolled in Astr 114 this semester or have taken it prior to this semester to be in Astr 115.

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