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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources
y Haskins, James. Freedom Rides: Journey For Justice.1st ed. Hyperion Books For Children, 1995 James Haskins works as an English Professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Haskins is an award winning author with more than one hundred books for both children and adults over his shoulder. This book provided me with plenty of information on freedom rides. I loved the fact that while reading this book I felt emotionally connected to both the people and some of the events that occurred. Etheridge, Eric. Breach of Peace. Atlas& Co.,2008 Eric Etheridge (born in 1957) is a graduate of Vanderbilt University. Etheridge has served as an editor for a number of magazines, including Rolling Stone and the New York Observer. This book was filled with numerous firsthand accounts and points of view. I was able to use some of the pictures provided inside of the book for my website. Carson, Clayborne. Civil Rights Chronicle: The African American Struggle for Freedom. Luis Weber, 2003. Carson Clayborne participated in the Civil Rights movement. Since then, Clayborne went on to become the founder and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University. This book served as a steady timeline to me while I conducted research. It dated information from 1443 on to 2003, which I found to be very helpful. Abernathy, Donzaleigh. Partners to History. Crown Publishers, 2003 Donzaleigh Abernathy is the youngest daughter of the late Civil Rights Activist, Rev. Ralph Abernathy. Abernathy is an accomplished actress who has performed in a number of films such as Don King: Only in America, Chicago Hope and Miss Evers Boys. In this particular book there were many different pictures to choose from so I had a lot of different choices when it came to selecting photos to go on my website.

Harrison(Lee), Mary. December 15, 2011 Duffman,Lou- February 2012 Talbert,Bobby-February 2012 Watkins,Hezekiah-February 2012 MacArthur,Cotton-February 2012 Stoner,Peter-February 2012 I conducted telephone interviews with all of the Freedom Riders listed above. They shared their experiences as a Freedom Rider and the impact they believed it had on the Civil Rights Movement. I was provided with not only primary sources for my web site, but also interviews with some of the original Freedom Riders.

Secondary Sources
 y Watson, Bruce. Freedom Summer. Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2010. Bruce Watson is an author (and journalist) most famous for having wrote the award winning book Sacco and Vanzetti. Some of Watson s journalism has appeared in world renowned newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe and the Smithsonian. I found this book to be helpful because when it came to things such as historical events or even the freedom rides, it was very descriptive and straight to the point. Arsenault, Raymond. Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice. Oxford University Press, Inc., 2006. Arsenault is a southern History Professor and the Co-Director of the Florida Studies Program at the University of South Florida. He is an award winning author and has written numerous articles on things such as race, the Civil Rights Movement and regional culture. This book seemed to be filled with interesting history in the making. It revolved a lot around the views and works of other people during the Jim Crow era. It really helped to give me perspective throughout the creation of this entire project.

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