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Yo. 17 -No. 1 = JanuaryFebnary 2005 A.T. Agarwal, USA Theory and Design of Dilute Phase Pneumatic Conveying Systems Introduction “This article describes the theory and calculation method for de- signing dlute phase pneumatic convaying systems. Its based fon the work of Dr. FA, Zexz and Dr. D.F. Oraien as described by tham in the book “Flicization and Fuid-Partcle Systoms" published in 1960 (Ret. 1). This method was later modied by Dr, Zenz based on his research work during the 70's end 80's land publshed in the proceedings of the Particle Science Re~ search Instituto PSR). Although, several other methods have bboen pubfshed since then this metnod has been used widely land has beon found to be within about 10% ofthe actual ma sured pressure drop, ‘This caleulation method can be used to perform the following functions: + Design of new systems. + Prediction of maximum solids transfor rate using existing gas, supply and corweying lino. Caleulatons for gas flow neaded for @ specie solids trenster rate, using an existing conveying ine. + Sing of the conveying Ine fora specific soli transfer rato Using exsting ges supply * Modifying any of the above by increasing the ine diameter ‘along the conveying line to maintain @ specie conveying vo- locty or a terminal velocty, or @ maximum corweying pres- 1. Basis for the Calculation Method “The calculations forthe design ofa ciste phase conveying sys- tem are basad on determining the pressure drop that is gener- ated inthe system due to the fow of gas and sols. Zenz and (Ora state that this pressure drop, fr both dist and dense phase conveying, s composed of si effective forcos: 1. Fretion ofthe gas against the pipe wal 2, Forco requited for moving the solids mass through the con- ‘eying sipaine ‘rt, Aanva Contr, Pheuatic onvoirg Coat Sense LL, T ‘erage fon Cateton, 26314 USA Saiset ont aisstas, Fa +1204 06125 ‘sna: oleebanicom Deri cut he ator an ge 2 1 .In vertical pipes the force required to suppor the weight ofthe sokds, 4.\nvetical pipes the force required to suppor the weight ofthe gas. 5. Force required to accelerate the sols, 6. Friction between the pipe and the solids. ‘Compared with dense phase, friction betwaen the pipe and the olds (tem 6) in te phase conveying is usualy negigile and Itean be ignored. 2. Calculation Method in ther book published in 1980, Z2x2 ang Onwven gle the fot Towing two equations for calculating pressure drop in dilute ‘phase conveying systems: Hater ee Moy WK 2F 0 NEL LHe Ren Sg RE te, verze: Rae, * Ran * For horizontal ines, the fst term isthe pressure drop due tothe ‘scosleralion of gas, the second termis the pressure drop due to the aocelration of sols, tha tid term is tho pressure crap {due to tiction batween the gas and the pipe wal and the fourth term isthe pressure drop dua tothe flow of solids through the pipaline For vertical lows another tarm (W-LIY,) is added to represent the weight ofthe supported sols inthe vertical in. The namenclatura used in the above equations is given below: Vp = Gas valocty Gas donstty W = Solids mass velocity, Ros/sac 2] Vp= Parte veloctty {f= Fanning fiction factor 1 =Longth of pipotine 1D = Pipaline inside dlamotor {fp = Solids fiction factor BeRREE errno 1 -aanitnar 208 “processing te ms Pneumatic Conveying Design For pressure drop due to solids friction, Zerz and Oreven in thoi book explainod that somo ofthe ear investigations had Concluded thatthe term (/,"%,V/f-Vq) could be ignored but that tho use of this term, in general, wil predict pressure drope (reater than those observed and thus can be considered con- Servatve for design purposes. Further research on this tople was carried out by Zaz while he was at PSRland te concluded thal this term should be repiaced by a constant (K) bocauso this term was dependent upon tha physical properties ofthe solids boing convoyad. His investigation also concluded that bocausa| of many variables it was very dificult to develop an accurate Corrlaton for calculating the value of K and therafore, the value Of K should be back-caculated from the actual prassure drop data obtained from fab or plant taste Based on this work the term for solids prossure drop was changed to: w BR A Koo HOR whore, AP, = pressure drop due to solids fow preseure drop due to gas flow K = constant depending upon sofas physical and fitional properties tio of solids to gas mass fow rates, “Tha next sop is to develop a singlo equation for calculating tho {otal pressure drop in @ conveying sysiom that may have both horizontal and vertical Snes. In adaltion, aterm APrige was added to account for pressure drop in any equipment such 2s a dust colactor that may be required atthe end of the conveying lino. ‘This equation consisting of six prassure drop terms is given blow: AR = AR, +AR+AR AH, + AH, + AR total pressure drop in the system. ressura drop due to acceleration of the soids from their "at rest” condtion atthe pick-up pont to thar con- vaying votcty up to thelr eit from the Conveying syS- tem. rassuro drop of gas due to fictional losses betwoan the gas and the pipe wall ressure drop of solids through the pipaine, ressure drop due to elevation of gas in vetical pio. ressure drop dus to elevation of solids in vertical pipe. ressure drop due to miscellaneous aquipment. ‘These six pressure drop terms ghen above ara related to the ‘wo pressure crop equations given by Zaxz and Oren. These terms are then corwerted tothe unit that are commonly usedin preumalic conveying systems, resuting n the folowing eque- tions where pressure drop is expressed in s/square inch, Eq. 1: Pressure drop due to acceleration of the solids from thal “at rest" condition atthe pick-up ponnt fo the con- ‘eying velocity up to the ext from the conveying sys- tom: Eg. 2: Pressure drop of gas due to frictional losses between {ges and the conveying pipaine and in any bends, a= verter valves, and flexible hoses that may be in’ the palne af bony We - aED ae af Lp We TaD Note: In the above exprassion, the term “L" Is the length ofthe straight sections of the pipeline and fs the equivalent longtt" of the bends, diverter vahes and ‘lexbla hoses, Eq. 8: Pressure drop due to fiction between the sods and the conveying pipeline, bends, darter valves, and x Ible hoses: AR = AR-K-R (modified Zone equation) Eq, 4: Pressure drop dus to elevation of gas by AZ foot: AZ-Py *- Tg, Eg. 5: Pressure drop due to elevation of sods by AZ feet AZ-W-9 oe ee 9.6: Pressure drop dus to miscellaneous equipment in the ‘conveying system, Hews its a term that fs not caloulated but is fontered a8 input data in the calcula- tions) This term isa constant. Nomanclaturs “The nomenclature and the units that are used inthe above she equations are given below: D = Pipe inside dametor f= Fanning fection factor 9 = Acceleration due to gravity (82.2 R/seck) 9 = Constant (32.174 fetb/b-sec% = Fiction mati forthe solids conveyed L=Pipe equivalent lanath F_ = Sols to gas mass fow rato (fb) Vp = Gas velocity ft/sec) Particle veloty (hsec) W. = Sols tne loading (bs/sec-t2) Elevation change in conveying tne (A) py = Gas density (s/t) ‘To sok the above equations the velue of the folowing terms has to be determined: f_ =Fanningtretion factor K = Friction mutiplior L_= Pipe equivalent length Vp =Solds velocity A =Soids to Gas ratio. ‘These values are determined as folows: 19 Pneumatic conveying Design WoL 17 -No. + -JanwayFebruary 2005 = 2.1 Fanning Friction Factor f “The Reynold's number (Na) is rst calculated DY, Ne = % ero th gas vscosty in bssec) -Aftar ths, the Faning ction factor fs caleulted using tho fol. lowing eauaton developed from tho chats ven in.Crme's “Technical Paper No. 410 (pages A-23, A24) on the “Flow of Fide" E47: vafero- (el where es the pipe roughness factor. Pipe roughness factor de- pends on ifthe pipe is internally smooth, rough, or vory rough. ‘The valve ofthis factor based on test data is gen below: {or intemaly smooth pipes, 00018; {or shot-peened pipes, 0008; 2.2 Friction Multiplier (K) The value of tha Friction Mutipia (is not calculated but is dotermined exparmentally or retieved from data bank. Its values affront for afferent materials ts range is typical 0.4 ro40 2.8 Pipe Equivalent Length (L) For srsight pipes use the actual length ofthe pips, For components suct as bends, divertor valves, and flexible hoses, use ther equivalont longth expressed in pipe Giamotors (ofthe conveying pipe. Typical equivalent length values are givan below: Bends # i 90° bend, Jong radius, i 40, oF 20 (10 to traauste ameter ratios | whichever & more Diverter Vals | ace ‘as ceotee duet ange: | 20 ‘degieo ert ange: | 10 Pexble Hoses ae Staness soa, wthined tere | “Sx ppelength Rubber or vind hose: | | 8 xpipe length For bonds that are oss than 00", use aquhalar onath st yo of Band nap : Dass oftond Fr special bends such os short radius bends, Harnmerteck, Gamma, pocket-'s, etc, increase the value of 40 to a higher ‘umber. For examplo, for & typical conveying systam with about 5 bends increase the calculated pressure drop value by 10%. For 10 bonds increase it by 20%, These numbers are based on lab tests or plant data, 2 2.4 Solids Velocity (Vp) Solids velocity is always less than the gas velocty because of the crag forces between the gas and the solids. This ifronos is called the sip factor. For most of coarse orhard soi this sip factoris about 0.8, which means thatthe sols volocty is 803% of the gas velocity. Therefore, for these materials use a sods ‘velocity 2086 los than the gas velocity Vg, Le Vp 08Vy For ine powders sods velocity is close to the gas velocity. For these materials use a sip factor of 0.9 instead of 0.8. Tis value (general ranges from 0.7 t0 0.95, Lighter and smaller materials have higher values than those of larger and heavier particles, 2.4.1 Solids Velocity in Long Radius Bends For a 90 dagroe radius bend, sols velecty atthe ext ofthe bend Vgz 8 0.8 times tho sols veloaty at the inlet of the bend Vp. Th factor "0.8" isa typical value but it ranges ftom 0.6 to (018 depending upon the properties ofthe solids. For bends that ares than 80 degrees, tno exit velocity Vo fs on [1 = Dommegot bond 0. Yes 2.4.2 Solids Velocity after Loaving a Bond After lseving a 90 degree bend, use a default value of 20 pipa di ameters to calculate the length of tha straight pipe forthe solids to re-acceleale to ther orginal velocty atthe init of the bend Wo. 2.8 Solids to Air Ratio R CCeleulatons are based on using the folowing tern as given by 2eNz and OTHER: ahs A Po \Whore m isthe solids mass flow rate jn Ibs/sec and A 's the cross-sectionel area ofthe pipe inf. The gas mass flow rte in Ibs/sec is calculated based on the actual cfm of gas and gas density introduced into the conveying systom by the gas mover, and the intemal eross-sectonal ara of tha pipe. Gas can be air borany other gas. Use ar as dofau use ofa dforant gas isnot ‘ven. For pressure type conveying systems, reduce tha gas mass fow rate by 53 (delaul value) f0 account for gas leakage through a rotary vali a rolary vale Is used to food the solid. For more ‘accurate results, change this defauit value by calculting actual rotary vale laakago (ooth clearance and displacement), For the gas density term p,, make carrctions ithe inlet cond tions aro different from staiderd conditions (68 °F, 14.7 psa. 2.6 Gas Density along the Conveying Line: Gas density depends upon gas pressure and gas temperature, For most conveying systems, gas tamperature can be assumed tobe constant. Therefore, only changes in pressure will change the gas densty. Because the pressure ether increases or de~ ‘reases along the conveying ine, depending upon whether iis ‘2 vacuum system or @ pressure system, gas density wil also koap on increasing or decreasing. For calculating the pressure {op due the flow of gas, dkide the conveying Ine ito smal lengths such as 5 or 10 f, start from the point where inlet gas density is known (such ag ambient conditions), and calculate the ext pressure and corresponding gas density fr this small

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