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Read HIKING IN KOREA (Reading Explorer Intro, Chapter 5B, pages 58-59) and answer the following questions: 1. In line 4 what does the word they refer to? a. b. c. d. South Koreans The writers family The people who told him about Bukhansan The huge crowds who go to Bukhansan

2. Why do you think Mr. Choi asked the writer to hike with his group? a. b. c. d. The wanted to share their food with him. The needed more people in their group He thought the writer was lost He thought the writer was lonely.

3. Which of the following did the hikers NOT have for lunch? a. b. c. d. Kimchi Pigs feet Drinks Sandwiches

4. Which of these events happened last? a. b. c. d. The writer asked how far it was to the summit The writer met Mr. Kim Mr. Chois group went back down. The writer reached the summit.

5. What does the last line I thought about my day on Bukhansan, and I knew he was right. mean? a. b. c. d. He now enjoys hiking in the group. He likes the people he met on Bukhansan. He likes the view from the summit of Bukhansan He thinks Mr. Kim is a better person than MrChoi

Complete the following sentences with the words in a box: Enjoy generally introduce arrive mention couple Activity provide leader share

1. Playing computer games is a popular _______________________ in many countries. 2. We should wait for everyone to ____________________ before we start dinner. 3. Im nearly there; just give me a _________________ of more minutes. 4. The wet season is _________________ a bad time to travel. 5. A good ____________________ is someone who can take care of the whole group. 6. Let me ___________________ you to a good friend of mine. 7. I _______________ having a cup of coffee in the morning. 8. We had to _______________________ a table with another couple because the restaurant was very busy. 9. Please _______________ your telephone number if you want us to call you. 10. You can repeat what I said but dont ____________________ that I told you.

Answers Task 1 1C Task 2 1. Activity 2. Arrive 3. Couple 4. Generally 5. Leader 6. Introduce 7. Enjoy 8. Share 9. Provide 10. mention 2D 3D 4B 5B

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