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Expanded Premium Ads

Building EssEntial ConnECtions:

Premium ads on Facebook

At Facebook, we believe that businesses will be better in a connected world. We connect 800 million people and their friends to the things they care about. Your Page is the place where your business connects with people, and Premium Ads and Featured Stories help you reach those people, and their friends, more often. Premium Ads are more effective when they start from Page posts. These ads put your Pages voice on the homepage, in front of your ideal audience. For your fans and their friends, it will expand to show how friends are connected to your brand alongside your message, all in one. This social context appears at no additional cost to you. Premium Ads with enhanced social context are 80% more likely to be remembered, driving 40% higher engagement and a significant increase in purchase intent.*

When people hear about you from friends, they listen. Well expand your ad with stories from friends who have already connected. Ads are better when they come from your Page posts. Premium ads appear on the homepage and create a seamless experience across different aspects of your Facebook marketing.

People can interact with your brand throughout the unit. Their interactions will generate stories in friends News Feeds, as well as on your Page.

*Average performance, based on internal tests.

Facebook: Building Essential Connections

Expanded Premium Ads

How Premium ads work

Premium Ads that start from your Page are flexible, simple, and social. They create a seamless experience across interactions on your Page, in your media, and in the News Feeds of people and their friends.

Post on your Page.

Choose from 6 kinds of Page posts: status updates (text), photos, videos, links, questions, and events. The post may appear in fans News Feeds.

2 Promote it to get your message out. The ad is created from the contents of your Page post. Anything you can post on your Page, you can turn into an ad to appear in the right hand column.

show enhanced social context for friends.

When friends of your Pages fans see your ad, well automatically expand the ad with enhanced social context about those fans, at no extra cost to you.

Provide more points of engagement for fans.

Fans will see an expanded interface below the ad that lets them like or comment on the post directly from the ad.

Facebook: Building Essential Connections

Expanded Premium Ads

Formats and specifications

All of the ad formats below are made from the text and rich media of your Page posts. As you create posts, think about how they will look as ads. Optimize your ads by choosing formats that match your marketing objectives, and capturing your core message in the first 90 characters of your post.

Up to 90 chars of text 168 x 128 px thumbnail 4:3 aspect ratio

Up to 90 chars of text 185 x 104 px thumbnail 16:9 aspect ratio

Will show exactly 4 answers, or 3 plus a see more link

Up to 150 chars of text No additional media

Up to 90 chars of post text 75 x 75 px thumbnail

Up to 90 chars of post text 75 x 75 px thumbnail

Facebook: Building Essential Connections

Expanded Premium Ads

Best practices for Page posting

Effective Facebook Ads and Featured Stories start with strong Page posts. You should focus on posting content to your Page that people will want to engage with and share with their friends. Here are a few best practices:

Post succinct content.

Make sure your core message is clear and concise to drive engagement. Keep in mind that your ad will show the first 90 characters of your post. If the post is longer, viewers will have the option to click to see more in an overlay on the same page.

Enhance your message with a photo or video.

Ads with rich media are larger and more engaging than plain text ads. Whenever you want to share a message on your Page, consider using related pictures or videos to make your message stand out.

ask questions.
Your Page should be a place for conversations between you and your fans. Ask your fans and customers for their ideas and feedback. Create Questions posts or ask questions in the text of your posts. Boost them as Premium Ads and Featured Stories to reach more people and get them talking to and about your business.

Be timely.
Your audience will be more likely to engage if you talk about topics that are already top of mind for them, such as current events, holidays, or news. For example, weve found that posts mentioning Independence Day on July 4th generated an average of 90% more engagement than all posts published on that day.

Promote posts for at least a day to reach as many people as possible.

If youre posting multiple times per day to engage your fans organically, make sure that you promote your most important posts individually so that they run long enough to reach a larger audience.

The best way to get people to engage with your ads is to understand what your audience cares about. You should visit Page Insights regularly to track which posts resonated with your audience and generated the most engagement, then post and promote more of this type of content.

Contact your Account Manager to learn more.

Facebook: Building Essential Connections

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