Pass 2nd

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1. Answer any one of the following questions: (10+2) X 1=12

a) What impression about the character of Thomas Wilson do you have from
the story The Lotus Eater? Is he a tragic character?

b) Narrate in your own language the story of The Lotus Eater. What is your
idea of a short story?

c) What is a problem play? Consider Justice as a problem play. d) Assess the character of William Falder. Can he be called a tragic hero? e) What is the subtitle of the play Justice? Bring out the significance of the
title of the play Justice. 2. Explain any one of the following with reference to the context: X1=06 a) No onell touch him now! Never again! He is safe with gentle Jesus! b) Its the same with dogs. If you treatem with kindness, theyll do anything for you; but to shutem up alone, it only makesem savage. (4+2)

c) He had endured that life for six years.---- who had endured that life and
how? 3. Answer any six of the following questions: 2x6=12 a) Who is Falder? What is his offence? Why has he committed it? Who is Ruth? How was she treated by her husband? Which scene of Justice is called a mute or dumb scene and why? How does Falder suffer in the prison? I have paid for that job a thousand times and morewhat does Falder How does Falder die? Explain- The chariot wheels of Justice. Who wrote The Lotus Eater? Whom does the author consider as The Lotus Where are Capri and Piazza? What particular incident in Capri changed the whole course of Wilsons

b) c)
d) e) f)

mean here?

g) h)
i) j) life?



Perhaps, he died of the beauty of the sight- where does the line occur? How did Wilson live during the last six years of his life? What was the flaw in Wilsons plan in The Lotus Eater? Who is Captain Ahab mentioned in Sea Side? Who are sauveteurs in Sea Side?

What does it mean in its context?

m) n) o)

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