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Spanish 2

Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ 1 CUBA WITH FIDEL ............................................................................................................................. 2 HOW IT STARTED.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 WHAT THE GOVERNMENT TOOK AWAY .................................................................................................................... 2 SCHOOL AND CAREERS.................................................................................................................................................... 3 MISCELLANEOUS............................................................................................................................................................. 31

Learning Targets: 1Create 2Create

an index and a table of contents footnotes and endnotes 3Insert a caption 4Create a cross-reference 5Students will be able to define the term

Spanish 2

Cuba with Fidel

How it started
Fidel came into power 1959, after he helped defeat the dictator, Fulquencio Baultista. The first ten years that Fidel ruled he gave back to the poor and did a lot of good things. After that he changed everything (See What the Government Took Away 1.)4 When Fidel did the good things and overthrew Baultista Cubans thought he was a hero, but when he changed everything the realized they didn t have the same freedoms. (under the picture)3

Figure 1 This is Fidel Castro.

What the Government Took Away

If you said anything that showed you were against the government1 with them you could get arrested or killed. Food started getting rationed2 (See Miscellaneous 3), and their religious freedom was taken away. Your privacy was taken away with communities or Neighborhood Watch houses being set up; where people would report back to the government, and anytime that the military wanted to they could search your house to look for things that showed signs of being against the government.

Figure 2 This is a LIBRETA that Cubans had to use to get their rations.

Against the government is disagreeing with them, protesting them, doing illegal things, or trying to sway the thoughts of others. 2 You got a LIBRETA card to pick up your food for that day.2
Learning Targets: 1Create 2Create

an index and a table of contents footnotes and endnotes 3Insert a caption 4Create a cross-reference 5Students will be able to define the term

Spanish 2

School and Careers3

You have to go to school, and if you dropped out you would go to a technical school with no exceptions. You had to wear a uniform that was a certain color based on what Providence or State you lived in. Teens in 10th-12th grade would work in the tobacco fields 45 days of the schools year4. High School went from September 1 to June 30, but in the summer the government gave you something to do. When you were ready to graduate the government reviewed your cumulative file that held everything you and/or your parents did against the government. Based on that the government would pick a career for you, for the rest of your life.

Figure 3 This is a Cuban High School.

People who had a little bit of money hidden away could buy extra food from the Black Market. If you left Cuba you had to leave everything behind and the government owned it. You couldn t even give it to other people unless you sneaked

Figure 4 - This is a house in Cuba.

School and education was very important to Cubans because it was one thing you could do to get knowledge and gave them freedom to think. 4 This was required and if you didn t go it would go on your cumulative file.
Learning Targets: 1Create 2Create

an index and a table of contents footnotes and endnotes 3Insert a caption 4Create a cross-reference 5Students will be able to define the term

Spanish 2 past the Neighborhood Watches. Cuba has free health care but Cuba doesn t have any medicine5 to help you. bar: Makes it possible to split the document window into two panes so you can see two parts of one document.

So you could go to the doctor and they could tell you what was wrong, but they couldn t give you anything to fix it.
Learning Targets: 1Create 2Create

an index and a table of contents footnotes and endnotes 3Insert a caption 4Create a cross-reference 5Students will be able to define the term

Spanish 2

school, 3 changed everything, 2

the government, 2, 3 Food, 2

Neighborhood Watch, 2

Learning Targets: 1Create 2Create

an index and a table of contents footnotes and endnotes 3Insert a caption 4Create a cross-reference 5Students will be able to define the term

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