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Today we claim to be the biggest human resources supplier for the world, but are we concerned what quality

of human capital we are building? Today India student ranked 2nd last position in global test which is largely because of the educati on system we follow. In India emphasis is laid on passing examinations with high percentage rather than giving importance to develop personality and creativity among students. Students think they are overburdened, teachers think they are no t paid enough and parents want their children to get 99.99 percentage and with t his mindset what Indian education system mostly produces is robots that possess an amazing capacity for storing facts and churning them out at the press of the right button. Qualities like independent thinking, problem-solving ability, init iative, leadership skills and social competence fall by the wayside as getting h igh grades becomes their only goal. Sadly these are the very qualities that our youth need to succeed in life. Now it is high time that Indian education system need an urgent improvement. First of all it has to wipe out the evil of rote lea rning from majority of the schools. Secondly we have to change the marking syste m. Rather than marking a student only on the basis of his/her performance for th e duration of three hours of the exam, marking should be shifted to classroom pa rticipation, project work, communication and leadership skills and extracurricul ar performance etc. This are the primary things about the Indian education syste m that we hope changes sooner rather than later!

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