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ARTHRITIS Arthritic conditions need to be identified and confirmed by your physician.

If using energy point stimulators, generally acute (or recent/short term) conditions should be treated in disperse mode. Chronic/long term conditions should be treated in the tonify mode. If the condition is arthritis then in the majority of cases the pain in the joints should be treated in the tonify (or +) mode at the points for pain relief. Osteoarthritis could be described in general terms as degeneration of the joints caused by "wear". This causes roughening of the joints and as a consequence pain. Hence the points for pain relief may be effective. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterised by painful and inflamed joints. In this instance treatment of the points for pain should be used plus the following to aid with inflammation. Tonify LI11

At the outer end of the crease formed when the elbow is partially flexed.

Ll4 Situated on the top of the hand in the webbing between the thumb and forefinger, around the highest point of the raised area occurring when the thumb and forefinger are brought together.


One and a half thumb widths to the side and slightly below the second lumbar vertebra.


Three thumb widths below the kneecap and on the outer side of the leg one thumb width from the outstanding angle of the leg bone.


In the hollow on the outside of the leg just below the top of the lower leg bone (fibula).

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