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Sam, Camren, Gideon, Azariah, Abigail Aberle

with partnering with

Sam and Camren Aberle (Haiti)

Sam will oversee the Emmaus Seminary facility needs, and will also be training Nationals in this area. Camren will be working with the Emmaus students in evangelism, while caring for Gideon, Azi, and Abigail, who serve God by loving people and making friends. But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, I Peter 3:15

NorthRidge Church / OMS in Haiti

Field Address: Sam and Camren Aberle Unit #1029OMS 3170 Airmans Drive Ft. Pierce, FL 34946

Support Address: NorthRidge Church P.O. Box 185 Sabetha, KS 66534 E-mail:


Stamp YES! I/we commit to partner with Sam and Camren Aberle, serving with NorthRidge Church and One Mission Society in Haiti
I/we believe the Lord is leading me/us to partner with them through: PRAYING: I/we will pray earnestly and frequently during this term of service. SENDING: I/we commit to give $________/month, for Sam and Camren* Here is a special gift of $_______ for their support needs*
(Please make your check payable to NorthRidge, but leave the memo line blank.)*

NorthRidge Church P.O. Box 185 / 316 Lincoln St. Sabetha, KS 66534

Name _______________________________________________________ Street _______________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State _______ Zip ____________ Telephone _________________________ E-mail _____________________
*While a donor may express a preference for a gift, IRS regulations state that taxdeductible gifts must be under the control of the non-profit organization. Please contact us if you have questions.

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