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ECE 499, CS 419 Assignment #4: Due Feb.

1. Use the data for the Vestas V90 wind turbine ( and data from National Renewable Energy Laboratory web pages for the Western U.S. ( for locations indentified by ID 23096 and ID 26952 to determine the power output for 2006 from each location. Plot the power output each hour (on the hour) for January, June and September. What is the total power output for January, June and September for the two locations? Comment on the difference in the output for these cases. Note, you will use the wind speed from the NREL site and the turbine data to determine the power output. 2. Use the pricing time series data in the Blackboard assignment folder to determine the "value" of the wind every 10 minutes. Plot the daily revenue generated by the wind for January through March with clearly marked axes. What is the difference in revenue generated each month? Sometimes the price falls below zero. How is this possible and why might this happen? 3. Read "Renewable electricity and the grid: the challenge of variability" edited by Godfrey Boyle found on the blackboard assignment folder. Write a maximum 250 word summary of this chapter. It should be well written with introductory sentences in each paragraph, supporting evidence in the body and a concluding statement. Summarize the key points and findings reported in this article. You will have room to identify about 4 key points.

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