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4 Articles: How To Use Marque Directo (Mexico)

1. How To Call Mexico Cheap

Hispanic Americans calling Mexico from the USA are paying way more for their
international phone calls then they should be. It’s not their fault, they don’t know
how to call Mexico using alternative services that are out there, either because they
haven’t thought to look, or they’ve just been too busy to waste their valuable time
hunting for bargains.

Well I’ve got some good news for you. If you’re reading this, you don’t need to go
hunting for bargains, you’ve just found one. It’s a service called Marque Directo that
let’s you call anywhere in the world, including calls to Mexico, at the lowest rates

Using Marque Directo you can:

• Easily gain free minutes to dial Mexico or other international


• Turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a US

phone number to keep for life.

• Pay 1000% less for your international calls to Mexico.

It’s really easy to use Marque Directo, and you can even start calling Mexico for free
to try out the service. Here’s how to get started.

1. Go to and click Start My Free Trial.

2. Put in the phone number you want others to call you at and fill out the
required information. You will have to fill out your Credit Card information, but
you will NOT be billed unless you choose to purchase additional
minutes beyond your free trial minutes. Most likely you can earn enough free
minutes that you’ll never have to pay to call Mexico again.
3. After you’ve signed up, you’ll be given the option to turn your family and
friends’ Mexico mobile and landline phone numbers into local US phone
numbers. This means you can dial from any phone at local rates, with the
international call being paid via your free minutes or purchased minutes.
4. That’s it. Now you can start calling family more often without paying a cent.

It’s easy, it’s more affordable, and it is much more convenient than running to the
store to buy calling cards. You won’t ever have to dial long 800 numbers and
remember PIN codes again. Just call the US phone number you’ve created and you’re
ringing directly to your family and friends!

2. How To Save Money Calling Mexico From The States

If you’re using a calling card, Mexico phone calls are probably costing you way more
than they should be. Most major telecom companies and calling card companies are
charging somewhere around 1000% more than cheaper services that Hispanic
Americans can’t afford not to discover any longer.

Marque Directo is an internet-based international calling company that lets you call
Mexico mobile and landline phone numbers cheap, and for those that know how to
work the system, absolutely FREE!

It’s a very simple service that let’s you call Mexico without dialing 800 numbers or
remembering complicated PIN codes. Here’s how you do it:

1. Sign up for a free trial at

2. Use your FREE MINUTES to call Mexico or other locations worldwide and try
out the service.
3. Turn any Mexico mobile or landline number into a US phone number you can
store and keep for life. It’s just like calling your neighbor!
4. If you like the service, tell your friends and earn hundreds of free
minutes to use however you want!
It doesn’t get any cheaper or easier. Calling Mexico is now as easy as calling your
neighbor, and almost as cheap!

3. Dial Mexico For Free

If you’re long distance bills and calling card expenses have got your at wits end,
don’t worry, I’ve got a perfect solution to your problem.

It’s a international calling service called Marque Directo that lets you dial Mexico and
other countries for up to 1000% less per minute than your currently paying. Plus,
you won’t need to buy another calling card, remember cumbersome 800 numbers, or
enter PIN codes ever again.

The service is super easy to use and, best of all, is absolutely free to start using
right now.

Here’s how to call Mexico for free right now and try out this great alternative to
calling cards:

1. Go to and sign up for the FREE TRIAL MINUTES.

2. Just a note, you will have to enter your credit card information, but YOU
WILL NOT BE BILLED unless you go online and purchase minutes
3. You won’t need those minutes for now, though, as you’ll have FREE TRIAL
4. After you’re signed up, turn any landline or mobile mexico phone number into
a US number that you can store in your speed dial and call when you want at
low rates.
5. After you try out the service, use their tools to recommend them to
friends and earn hundreds of free minutes for calling Mexico.

There is not a more complete, easy to use, or cheap way to call Mexico available to
Hispanic Americans. Stop spending way more than you should just to talk to family
and friends and phone Mexico for free right now.
Try the trial and see what I’m talking about!

4. Phone Mexico And Other Latin Countries For Free Right Now

If you read to the end of this very short article, I promise you’ll be talking to friends
and family in Mexico or elsewhere in the world for FREE in less than 5 minutes.

Since I’ve discovered Marque Directo I’ve been referring friends and family to them.


It’s simple. Marque Directo costs 3000% less than the calling cards that I used to
use and that they’re still using, I don’t have to remember 800 numbers and PIN
codes, and I get hundreds of free minutes to use when they sign up (they get free
minutes, too)!

Marque Directo is an internet based international calling service that you sign up for
and manage online. With zero hidden fees, high quality connections and a much
more convenient way to call Mexico, there’s absolutely no reason to at least pass by
their site to try out the free minutes.

Here’s how to sign-up for the free trial and phone Mexico for FREE

1. Go to and click to sign up for the free trial.

2. Enter all your information. You will be asked for a credit card, so have one
ready. Don’t worry, you won’t be billed for the free trial. The only way you can
be billed is if you log in and actually buy minutes yourself.
3. Turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a US number to keep
for life, and store it on your cell phone or speed dial.
4. Call the number and start talking for free instantly.

I know you’re going to love the free trial, but before you go in and add cheap
minutes to your account to phone Mexico again, do what I did and get more free
minutes without spending a dime. Use their tools to tell all your friends via email,
MySpace and other Social Networks you use to earn up to thousands of free

3 Articles: Earning Free Minutes (Mexico)

1. How To Earn Free Minutes To Phone Mexico

If you have friends and family, you can have up to hundreds of free minutes to call
Mexico cell and landline phone numbers.

With the economy how it is I was determined to find a way to cut my hundred dollar
phone bills in half. In the end, I ended up eliminating the bills altogether! I did this
by using Marque Directo, an internet-based international calling service. They offer
users great ways to earn free minutes, and even provide you with the tools to do so.

I know very little about the internet and I was still able to earn more than one
hundred free minutes to phone Mexico and talk to family for hours longer than usual.
That’s because Marque Directo basically tells you how to earn your free minutes, all
you have to do is fill out some forms to email friends and you’re done.

To start earning your free minutes, just follow these simple steps.

1. Go to and sign up for a free trial. You’ll get some free
minutes just for that.
2. Go ahead and try it out. You’ll be asked to turn any landline or mobile Mexico
phone number into a US number that you can store and keep for life. From
now on, dial this local US number instead of the original number.
3. Now that you know how great the service is, go to the tools area and use
them to tell your friends. You can import your Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo
address book to email everyone at once or just those you want. When they
sign up, you earn free minutes instantly.
4. You’ll find another set of tools to use your MySpace, Facebook and other
social networking profiles to further promote Marque Directo and earn even
more free minutes.

All of this took me just under 15 minutes to do, and a few days later I was already
near one hundred free minutes!

But before you take my word for it, go to and try the service out
for free. After all, you should only recommend a product you really believe in!

2. Calling Mexico Without Paying a Dime

I’m a pretty frugal person, even more so since the economic crisis has begun to
pinch my income. Not wanting to spend so much on calling family in Mexico every
month, I was determined to find a better way to call Mexico than using
expensive and complicated calling cards.

In the end I found Marque Directo, and when all was said and done I had cut more
than $100 in calling card expenses out of my monthly budget, and talked almost
twice as long and often with my family.

Sounds too good to be true, right? I thought so too, but I’m glad I gave it a shot
anyway. With Marque Directo they provided me with a series of tools to earn free
minutes just for telling my friends, and now I earn hundreds of free minutes for
calling Mexico from the USA every month.

You’re not going to believe how simple it is. I can actually tell you how to
repeat my success in just a few points! Here they are:

1. Sign up at Marque Directo for a free trial.

2. Turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a local US number to
store for life. Now, just dial the local number to call friends and family in
3. You’ll be given free minutes to use right away and try the service out. If
you’re like me, you won’t want to recommend anything until you know it’s a
good service. Go ahead and test out the numbers and make some calls.
4. Use their tools to email friends and family. I made the mistake of ignoring this
part for the first week and bought cheap minutes to call Mexico instead. One
day I decided to give it a shot, filled out a simple form and emailed a
recommendation to friends and family. When I logged in a week later, I had
over 100 free minutes to call Mexico!
5. Use other tools to use your MySpace page, Facebook profile, and other social
networks to keep earning more free minutes. Thanks to these tools I regularly
earn over 100 free minutes to call Mexico every month.

In just 5 steps I showed you how to earn free minutes to call Mexico without paying
a dime. Easy, right?

3. Refer-A-Friend To Marque Directo and Earn Free Minutes To Call Mexico

Stop spending money to call your family and friends in Mexico right now!

I’m going to share the most effective and easiest way to:

1. Completely eliminate calling card expenses from your budget.

2. Call Mexico friends and family without dialing an 800 number or
needing a PIN code.
3. Earn free minutes and help your friends and family earn free minutes
to call anyone anywhere in the world.

First let me tell you about Marque Directo, the company behind this incredible
alternative to expensive calling cards and phone company plans.

Marque Directo is an international calling service that is based online. You create an
account and manage your minutes from any computer in the world, and if you follow
the steps I’m about to share with you, you won’t ever have to pay a dime to call
Mexico again.
Let’s get started.

This is an extremely simple way to earn free minutes to call Mexico or any other
country you like. Just follow the easy steps using the tools that Marque Directo
provides you with and you’ll be able to call Mexico for free.

1. Sign-up at Marque Directo for the free trial.

2. Turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a local US number by
following the instructions provided. Save this number, you can call the local
US number anytime you want to call the Mexico number now.
3. Use the free minutes to talk to family and friends. I only recommend products
and services to friends and family if I really believe in them. Make sure you do
4. Now, start earning free minutes by using the tools.
5. Start with the email a friend tool. This lets you import all your contacts from
Gmail, Hotmail. Yahoo, etc and email them a recommendation. You’ll probably
want to send follow up emails or give them a call as well.
6. When they sign up, you earn free minutes, and they’ll be able to earn free
minutes just like you did, too.
7. Now set up the MySpace, Facebook and other social networking tools. You can
use your MySpace page, for example, to promote Marque Directo to
thousands of friends and strangers checking out your page. I earn more
than 100 free minutes every month just from my MySpace page,
doing absolutely nothing!

That’s all there is to it. You shouldn’t need to pay to call Mexico again!

3 Articles: Using Marque Directo vs Calling Cards (Mexico)

1. Marque Directo Makes Calling Mexico Easy (and Cheap!)

For those that are determined to save money by calling Mexico using calling cards
I’ve got some bad news for you.

You’re not!

Calling cards typically charge you up to 300% more to call Mexico than other
services that are out there for you to use. Besides being expensive, their also

Marque Directo is an online international calling service that lets you avoid using
calling cards, save more money, and even earn hundreds of free minutes to call
Mexico every month.

Here are some of the major reasons I choose to use Marque Directo over calling

1. I Hate Dialing Long Numbers!

Calling cards force you to always carry them with you. It’s impossible
remember the 1800 numbers, the PIN codes, and even if you do you still
waste up to 2 or 3 minutes going through all the options just to dial the
number you want to call! MarqueDirecto lets me turn any international
phone number in to a local US phone number. When I want to call
Mexico, I just dial the US local number and I’m done!

2. I Like Calling Mexico For Free!

Using the tools that Marque Directo gives me, I can let my friends know about
the awesome and cheap service and gain free minutes for 2 minutes of my
time. I usually earn from 50 to 100 free minutes to call Mexico every month!

3. I Appreciate Honesty!
With calling cards, Mexico phone calls have really bitten me badly. Fees and
rates change, I’m not able to carry over credit, and if I lose the card I’m
straight out of luck! Marque Directo is an honest company with ZERO
HIDDEN FEES! I only spend money when I voluntarily sign online and add
money to my account, though you can choose to have your account auto-
reload when it gets low. With Marque Directo, you spend what you plan on
spending and get the services they promise.

4. I Hate Pouring Money Down The Drain!

If you’re like me and thousands of other Hispanic Americans, you call family
and friends in Mexico several times a month. If you’re not careful or if there’s
a family emergency that requires you to call often, you can quickly run up a
huge bill that can be tough to pay. With Marque Directo you get the lowest
rates, all the time, any time of day, all year long. You’ll start saving up to
300% a month just by switching!

When it comes to finding how to call Mexico without tons of hassles and high fees
Marque Directo is your best shot.

Sign up for their free trial and use the free minutes to try it out without a

2. A Better Way: The Calling Card, Mexico, and Saving Money

For Hispanic Americans using a calling card Mexico and other Latin American
countries are expensive to call. The truth is that calling cards charge you up to 300%
more than other services and offer a lower quality service that, in the end, is a big
waste of money and time.

There is a better way to keep in touch with your family in Mexico, and its called
Marque Directo.

Marque Directo lets you turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a local
US number and charges you the lowest rates available per minute. They also give
you an opportunity to earn free minutes which, with a few minutes of your time, can
be become a source of hundreds of free minutes to call Mexico every month.

Unlike calling cards, Marque Directo lets you:

• Dial One Easy Number. No 800 numbers, pin codes or complicated

menus to go through. Just dial the local US number you create for any
landline or mobile Mexico number.

• Save Money On Every Call. With rates up to 300% lower than

telecom and calling card companies, you’ll be able to make your
monthly phone bill drop significantly.

• Auto-Recharge Your Account. If you’re ever been interrupted

during a serious phone call to be told your time is up, you know how
frustrating this can be. With Marque Directo you can set your
preferences to auto-recharge your account balance when it runs out!

• You Can Get Hundreds Of Free Minutes! Using the tools they
provide, you can earn hundreds of free minutes just by sending an
email to friends to recommend the great service! It’s super easy and it
really works.

Stop wasting your money on expensive and impractical calling cards and give Marque
Directo a try. Just sign up for the free trial and use the free minutes instantly.

3. How To Call Mexico Without A Calling Card or Long Distance Plan

If you didn’t already know, there are more than two ways to save money calling

You already know about long distance plans and calling cards, and chances are
you’ve been burned by both. These services have terrible customer service, hidden
fees, cumbersome codes to remember and always end up interfering with you life.

The third option I’m going to give you today is going to:

1. Give you a way to dial one local US number to call friends and family.
2. Let you save 300% on your phone bills.
3. Earn hundreds of free minutes to use every single month.

This is all possible thanks to Marque Directo, a company that I recommend to

everyone I meet that calls abroad. After a friend recommended them to me (and
earned free minutes since I signed up!) I haven’t bought a calling card since.

Marque Directo lets you turn any landline or mobile Mexico phone number into a local
US number that’s yours to keep for life. To call Mexico, you just call that US number
and you’re done. Store it in your cell phone, speed dial, or personal planner because
it won’t ever change.

They also have rates up to 300% less than what calling card companies are charging
you. That can add up to hundreds of dollars a month in savings for Hispanic
Americans that call Mexico frequently!

Last but not least, they also let you generate hundreds of free minutes to use calling
anyone in the world every month. The crazy part is they give you the tools to do this!
All you need to do is fill out a few forms to email all your friends and family about
their money-saving service and for each one that signs up, you’ll earn free minutes.

It doesn’t get any easier or more convenient to call Mexico.

Stop wasting your time and money. Make your life simpler and cheaper by switching
to Marque Directo. There’s no plans, no contracts, just a high quality service that
you’re in charge of.

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