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Monday 2/27 8:30 8:45 Homeroom 8th (301) 8th (317) What is Energy? Examples of energy (Word Splash).

Energy Detective Activity.

Tuesday 2/28 Homeroom 8th (301) 6th (319) Guided Notes on the beginning of the Space Race, Sputnik, Yuri Gagarin, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Lunar Landing. Show part of The Race for Space. What events lead us into the race? Who were the key players? How did this change our world? Prep 7 (310) Identify that biome, analyze average annual temp and precipitation chart. What biome does the data represent? What areas of the earth would contain this biome? What animal and plant life would be found in this biome?

Wednesday 2/29 Homeroom 8th (301) 7th (308) Identify that biome, analyze average annual temp and precipitation chart. What biome does the data represent? What areas of earth would contain this biome? What animal and plant life would be found in this biome? Prep 8 (301) Kinetic and Potential Energy videos with worksheet. Guided notes on Energy.

Thursday 3/1 Homeroom 8th (301) 7th (310) Start biomes brochure project. In partners research assigned biome and create brochure.

Friday 3/2 Homeroom 8th (301) 6th (309) In lab groups, create a timeline of Space Race events and people on chart paper. When did the event occur? What happened? Why was it significant? Who was involved? Go over homework assignment: Interview someone about the first lunar landing. Prep 7th (308) Start biomes brochure project. In partners research assigned biome and create brochure.


10:15 11:00

8th (301) What is Energy? Examples of energy (Word Splash). Energy Detective Activity. Prep 6 (309) Intro to Space Race: JFK Speech analysis, fill out graphic organizer. What is the Presidents message? Why is it so important to put a man on the moon? What is the President saying by giving this speech? 6th (319) Intro to Space Race: JFK Speech analysis, fill out graphic organizer. What is the Presidents message? Why is it so important to put a man on the moon? What is the President saying by giving this speech? Lunch 7th (308) Guided notes on biomes and climate. *Check science fair experiments.

Prep 8th (317) Mechanical energy lab and write up.


Start Mechanical Energy lab.

12:30 1:00

Lunch 8th (317) Kinetic and Potential Energy videos with worksheet. Guided notes on Energy.

Lunch 6th (309) Guided Notes on the beginning of the Space Race, Sputnik, Yuri Gagarin, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Lunar Landing. Show part of The Race for Space. What events lead us into the race? Who were the key players? How did this change our world? Homeroom


7th (310) Guided notes on biomes and climate. *Check science fair experiments. Homeroom

Poetry - Music as Poetry

Lunch 6th (319) In lab groups, create a timeline of Space Race events and people on chart paper. When did the event occur? What happened? Why was it significant? Who was involved? Poetry- Haikus

Lunch 8th (301) Finish Mechanical energy lab and write up.

Guided notes on energy conversion and energy conservation. Homeroom




Monday 3/5 8:30 8:45 Homeroom 8th (301) 8th (317) Guided notes on energy conversion and energy conservation.

Tuesday 3/6 Homeroom 8th (301) 6th (319) Debate on Space Exploration. Pro gives a point, Con gives a point (repeat 3 times). Deliver final statement. Deliberate to determine winner. What do we get out of space exploration? What advancements have we made? What are the disadvantages? Prep 7 (310) Lecture on changes in climate. Climate change indicators research on Fill out chart in partners.

Wednesday 3/7 Homeroom 8th (301) 7th (308) Lecture on changes in climate. Climate change indicators research on Fill out chart in partners.

Thursday 3/8 Homeroom 8th (301) 7th (310) Ice Ages and Global Warming.

Friday 3/9 Homeroom 8th (301) 6th (309) Read article on Kepler 22 B. Class discussion: What is the future of space exploration? Are there other livable planets out there? What should we be working towards? Go over homework assignment: Create your own planet (model or illustration) and write a complimentary narrative. Prep 7th (308) Ice Ages and Global Warming.


8th (301) Guided notes on energy conservation and renewable energy.

10:15 11:00

Prep 6 (309) Quiz on Space Race events and people. Assign each lab group Pro and Con roles for debate on space exploration. Research position, find three points using lap tops, and create argument. 6th (319) Quiz on Space Race events and people. Assign each lab group Pro and Con roles for debate on space exploration. Research position, find three points using lap tops, and create argument. Lunch 7th (308) Work on biomes brochure. Read each others brochures take notes.

Prep 8 (301) Finish renewable energy notes. Renew-abean activity. Begin renewable energy flyer activity.

Prep 8th (317) Work on renewable energy flyer activity.


12:30 1:00

Lunch 8th (317) Notes on renewable energy. Renew-abean activity. Explain renewable energy flyer project.

Lunch 6th (309) Debate on Space Exploration. Pro gives a point, Con gives a point (repeat 3 times). Deliver final statement. Deliberate to determine winner. What do we get out of space exploration? What advancements have we made? What are the disadvantages? Homeroom

Lunch 6th (319) Read article on Kepler 22 B. Class discussion: What is the future of space exploration? Are there other livable planets out there? What should we be working towards? Poetry Sonnets/Old English. Poetry Romeo & Juliet.

Lunch 8th (301) Finish renewable energy project. Present finished product and turn in.


7th (310) Work on biomes brochure. Read each others brochures take notes.

Poetry Work on publishable poems and share favorite poets and poems. Poetry




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