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T Placement TEST (UPIT 2012)

SEM II 2011/2012

Jadual Ujian Penempatan I.T (UPIT) Sem 2 2011/2012 I.T Placement Test Schedule (UPIT) Sem 2 2011/2012

Ujian UPIT akan dijalankan pada hari Jumaat 24 FEB 2012 di Makmal Komputer GENERAL LAB, di Aras LG, Blok B, Fakulti Sains Komputer dan Teknologi Maklumat. UPIT Test is scheduled to take place on Friday 24 FEB 2012 at GENERAL LAB, Lower Ground Level, Block B, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology. Berikut adalah jadual sesi ujian mengikut fakulti: The following are the sessions according to faculties: SESSIONS
8:45 9:30 am

Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology (FSKTM), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), Faculty of Applied & Creative Arts (FSGK), Faculty of Resource Science & Technology (FSTS) Faculty of Cognitive Science & Human Development (FSKPM)

9:45 10:30 am 10:45 11:30 am

Sila berada di lokasi ujian 15 minit lebih awal dan bawa kad matrik. Please ensure you are present 15 minutes earlier at the venue and bring along your matric card.

Penyelaras / Coordinator UPIT


prepared 21 feb 2012

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