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RainRoof V2.

Caroline Lebar CBIP Spring 2012 Scott Marble

RainRoof Composition: 2 UDFs + 3 Knowledge Patterns RainTubeUDF RoofPanelUDF (1) GridCreator, (2) RainTube Instantiation, (3) RoofPanel Instantiation User Inputs Four Input Points (do not have to be co-planar) Base Plane User Parameters GlobalHeight (sets height of tubes) GlobalPanelHeight GlobalOpeningRadius Number of divisions Other inputs can be set individually or by editing the script Outputs TBD

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the global opening radius

Adjusting the height factor

Adjusting the height factor

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the input points

Adjusting the opening radius

Adjusting the opening radius

Adjusting the opening radius

Adjusting the opening radius

Automatic adjustments: Shape of opening funnel

Automatic adjustments: Shape of opening funnel

Automatic adjustments: Shape of opening funnel

Adjusting the number of rows in the point grid

Adjusting the number of rows in the point grid

Adjusting the number of rows in the point grid

Adjusting the panel height factor

Adjusting the panel height factor (large factor)

Adjusting the panel height factor (small factor)

Next Steps Create PowerCopy/catalog Determine output parameters Surface-to-opening ratio Panel sizes Rainwater collection amount Adjust rules to prevent breakage Create hi-res/lo-res versions Add caps for use as non-porous surface Create test applications

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