Bad Us Err Name

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The following error is encountered when attempting to configure the P6 client applications database connection to a SQL Server database:

Bad public user name or password. Database Server Error: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2];

There are few possible causes for this error: The SQL Server (Instance_Name) service is not started. The information entered into the Host Name field of the P6 database configuration is not specific enough

Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocols are disabled in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

The SQL Server (Instance_Name) service is not started Start the SQL Server (PRIMAVERA) service or the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service and set the startup type to automatic: 1. Go to Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services. 2. Locate the SQL Server (PRIMAVERA) or SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service. 3. Right-click and select Start.

The information entered into the Host Name field of the P6 database configuration is not specific enough 1. Contact the local database administrator and ask for the complete 'Host Name'. If this is a P6 Standalone installation, try entering localhost\primavera in the Host Name field. 2. If that does not work, go to Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Management Studio Express. 3. At the Logon to Server prompt, click Connect. 4. The complete server and instance name (if applicable) will be listed in the upper left:

5. Reconfigure the alias using the complete 'Host Name' (including the instance name, where applicable).

Named Pipes and TCP/IP protocols are disabled in SQL Server Configuration Manager To re-enable these protocols, perform the following: 1. Go to Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Configuration Tools, SQL Server Configuration Manager. 2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration. 3. Select Protocols for <Instance_Name>. 4. Verify that Shared Memory, Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled. If there are not enabled, right-click on each and select Enable

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