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Part One

Lifelong Learning and Learning Society in General

Chapter One Establishment of Lifelong Learning System and Learning Society: the Necessary Demand to Greatly Promote Science and Technology, Economy and Society in China
We have ushered in the 21st century, an age with great historical changes. The speedy scientific and technological development characterized by the information technology as well as the springup of knowledge economy, are significantly changing the mode of production and the pattern of living so as to speed up the process of economic and social development in each country in the world. As a result, the ability to learn, to employ and to create knowledge has increasingly become a decisive factor to promote the economic and social development, the civilization and the allround development of mankind. Therefore, it has become an objective trend and necessary decision to establish lifelong learning system and the learning society in the human historical progression. That not only makes a new demand in our cause of the all-round establishment of the well-off society and socialist modernization but also presents a stern challenge to the development and revolution of our educational cause. In light of the modern science and technology, economy, culture and social development, we must study and realize the necessity, significance and urgency of establishing the lifelong learning system and the learning society. 1

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