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Important questions for COA Retest 1. 2. 3.

What are the basic types of operations that need to be supported by an instruction set? What are the two techniques used to increase the clock rate R? List the steps needed to execute the machine instruction Add R1, R2, R3 Add the numbers. 13 & -6 by using booth algorithm. What are condition code flags? What is the purpose of guard bits used in floating point operations? Draw the symbolic representation of full adder & give the expression for sum. Write down the steps for restoring division & non restoring division. What are the ways to truncate the guard bits?


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


(2 x 16 = 32)

Explain the floating point Add/Subtract rules. With a detailed flowchart explain how floating point addition/subtraction is performed. (16)

11. (i)Write about the CSA method of fast multiplication. Prove how it is faster with an example. (10) (ii)Multiply the following pair of signed 2s compliment numbers using bit pair recoding of the multipliers: A= 010111, B= 101100 (6) 12. (i) Explain multiple bus organization in detail. (6) (ii)Explain the various design methods of hardwired control unit. (10) 13. Give the organization of a micro programmed control unit. Draw a flowchart of a micro routine for the instruction Add Src, Rdst. (16)

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