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Melissa McConnell Mr.

Neuburger English 102-102 13 February 2012 Essay Response Harrison Bergeron In Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. tells a compelling story of equality. However, if everyone is the same society will never progress because we have nothing to drive us, and competition in society drives us to succeed and progress. Vonnegut starts off with a compelling statement saying Everybody was finally equal (293). This statement, however, is deceiving. He goes on to say Nobody was smarter than anybody else, which means that society as a whole is like looking in the mirror and always receiving the same answer (293). Society has progressed year after year because someone is smarter than someone else. Harrison is a free thinker and wants to improve society. Harrison escapes from the compounds of where he is being held captive to make an announcement on national television. Harrison cries, I am emperor (297). He wants to rule a world where society can blossom and everyone is different. Vonnegut states, Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity., which is what happens when one can do extraordinary things (298). Society is built upon competition and if Harrison is going to succeed he needs to push the limits.

Vonnegut, Jr, Kurt. "Harrison Bergeron." Power of Language Language of Power. Second Custom Edition for Ozark Technical Community College ed. Boston: Learning Solutions, 2011. 293-99. Print

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