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13. What are flocculation and deflocculation and their characteristics?

Flocculation is the formation of light, fluffy groups of particles held together by weak Van der Waal's forces. Deflocculation is the absence of association which occurs when repulsive forces between particles predominate.

Flocculated 1. Particles forms loose aggregates and form a network like structure 2. Rate of sedimentation is high 3. Sediment is rapidly formed 4. Sediment is loosely packed and doesn t form a hard cake 5. Sediment is easy to redisperse 6. Suspension is not pleasing in appearance 7. The floccules stick to the sides of the bottle

Deflocculated 1. Particles exist as separate entities 2. Rate of sedimentation is slow 3. Sediment is slowly formed 4. Sediment is very closely packed and a hard cake is formed 5. Sediment is difficult to redisperse 6. Suspension is pleasing in appearance 7. They don t stick to the sides of the bottle

14. How do flocculation and deflocculation can occur?

The different methods used to form floccules (flocculation) are as below:
I. II. III. IV. Electrolytes Surfactants Polymers Liquids

Deflocculation can occur if: I. Strong force of repulsion between adjacent particles predominate II. There is a change in concentration of electrolytes, surface-active agents or polymers

15. What are the factors that can lead to sedimentation?

Sedimentation of particles in a suspension is governed by several factors:
Particle size Density of the particles Density of the vehicle Viscosity of the vehicle

The velocity of sedimentation of particles in a suspension can be determined by using the Stoke's law:

Where, vsed. = sedimentation velocity in cm / sec d = Diameterof particle r = radius of particle s= density of disperse phase o= density of disperse media g = acceleration due to gravity o = viscosity of disperse medium in poise

16. Why does the suspension powder forms hard sediment?

The particles of the suspension powder of amoxicillin might be not uniform (too large or too fine). That is why; it easily formed hard cake at the bottom of the bottle. The hard sediment might also formed due to deflocculation.

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