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Prepared for
C 10U This Speaking exam tests the ability to use language for social purposes, such as making introductions, answering questions, giving an opinion and to use the language to discuss and interpret, to agree or disagree, negotiate and collaborate, to rank or classify, speculate, evaluate or make decisions etc.

The oral test consists of four parts.

Part 1 (Interview) : together maximum 3 minutes Part 2: (A Situation with prompts) : a picture sheet is given. Between 2-3 minutes Part 3 (Picture Description) : Each candidate is given a photograph.(The title of both photos is the same) Part 4 (Picture Discussion) : candidates talk together about the question they are asked about the title of their photos.

Part 1 of the Speaking test lasts about maximum 3 minutes (4 minutes for groups of three).
In this section the examiner will ask you at least three questions to give you the chance to introduce yourself and give an opinion on a general topic to do with your life experiences, interests,hometown, family, work or study, leisure and future plans.etc.

Part 1 Tips!
The interview will begin with the examiner saying something like: Q: Hello. My name is ........ and this is my colleague ........ Q: And your names are? Note: This time you dont have to spell your names? Q: First of all we'd like to know something about you. The examiner will then ask each of you a minimum of three questions.
You may well be asked questions that could be answered with a brief response. However, try to give full, relevant answers to these questions. 1) Offer more than the bare minimum in your answers. Q: What is the most interesting part of your town? A: If someone comes to the Czech Republic they'll obviously want to spend time in the capital, Prague but I'd also recommend visiting Brno. (Don't stop there!) It's in the heart of Moravia and it's full of cultural places of interest. There's a city centre and an old part of the town and they're both full of lovely cathedrals, museums and much more. Q: What do you like doing in your spare time? A: Spare time? I dont really have free time It's true that people often say young people are always sitting in front of a computer screen or texting on their mobile phones. But that's not true for me at least? Anyway, I play computer games such as PES or Warcraft with my friends when I feel like Im too bored. 2) Offer examples to help you explain a statement. Q: How important is it to speak English in your country? A: Speaking English is very important. Children learn it from an early age and many jobs require you to have an English qualification or want evidence that you can communicate in English well. It's not just English though. In my company for example, for business reasons German is also very important.

Q: Where do you live ? Do you live alone/with your family? Q: What do you like about your hometown? Q: Tell us about one of your teachers at high school? What type of holidays do you enjoy most? (summer/winter) Why? Tell us about a film you have seen/a book you have read? Q: How important is it to speak English in your country?

Part 2 of the Speaking test lasts between 2 and 3 minutes . At this stage of the interview the examiner will read you a situation and give a picture with some ideas to help you :

Now in this part of the test you're going to talk together for about 2 minutes. I'm going to describe you a situation : A friend is going to have a year off before university. Talk together about the things your friend can do in order not to waste this year and say which you think will be the most beneficial. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you

Part 3 of the Speaking test lasts about 3-4 minutes including 1 minute for each picture description and 2 minutes for the final discussion. Candidate A is passed a photo and has to speak about the topic without interruption, either from the examiner or their partner. When Candidate A has finished the examiner gives Candidate B his/her picture. At the end of these turns both candidates participate in a discussion with a set of questions the examiner asks about the similiar themes of the two pictures(Part 4).

Each of you will be asked to describe a colour photograph and explain your personal feelings about them (you will be asked to speak for 1 minute, without any interruption). After that both of you will be asked to give your opinions about the picture related questions the examiner asks (you will be expected to speak for about 2 minutes). This means you're re quired not only to discuss but also to show your ability to negotiate and collaborate with your partner. You don't have to reach agreement but you must at least work towards this.

I am going to give each of you a photograph.Please tell us what you can see in your photograph.

Following this, In Part 4 the examiner will start the discussion stage and

say something like:

Now to finish the test you're going to talk about how people study . or Your photographs showed how people study . Now Id like you to talk together about how you study for exams or for your projects.

Part 4 Tips!

The discussion will proceed more productively if you work collaboratively on this task. 1. Ask your partner for his or her opinion rather than simply stating your own. Focus just as much on asking some 'What do you think ...' type questions rather than simply making 'I think ...' type statements. 2. When your partner is speaking listen carefully and 'actively'. Show interest in their opinions by responding to comments he or she makes. This might be by showing you agree or disagree with something they've said but could also be to ask them to expand or clarify a comment they've made. For example: 'That's an interesting point.' 'So, when you say ........, do you mean ........?' 'Could you explain what you mean by .......?.' 3. When giving your opinion, accommodate your partner's views when appropriate. For example, depending upon whether you agree or disagree with something you could say: 'You were saying ' 'You mentioned ' 'Thats a good point.' 'Youve got a point there.' 'Youre absolutely correct.' 'Precisely!' 'I see what you mean but ' 'I see what youre getting at but ' 'But dont you think '

Tip 1
You will only be given a few seconds to collect your thoughts before being asked to make your long turn so you won't be able to plan your talk in detail. However, you will be able to structure it loosely around an introduction, main body and conclusion. Start by making the topic significant by relating it to a topical news story or with reference to an important event in your life. For example: Card A 'Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear stories about how unhealthy our diets are these days ...' 'This is a really interesting topic and one that I can relate to .... ' Card B 'This is an interesting question. Probably the most influential experience in my life and one that changed my attitude towards other nationalities was when I spent time travelling ...'

Tip 2
Signpost your talk to help the examiner and your partner follow your train of thought. For example: 'Take the way we produce food for example ...'. 'Then there's/Turning to the kind of food we like to buy ...' Signpost the fact that you're coming to an end with expressions such as 'So ...', 'As you can see ...', 'To sum up ..'.

Part 3 Tips
Listen carefully to your partner's presentation and consider your attitude to one or two of the points made. Then, when the examiner asks for your opinion show you've been listening by answering on the lines of: 'The point (Candidate A) made about ... was particularly interesting. In my experience ...' '(Candidate A) raised some really interesting points. In my view ...'

During the discussion phase when your opinion is asked for, use expressions to allow yourself time to think. For example: 'That's a good question.' 'Well, let me think ...' 'Well, to cut a long story short ...' 'Well, to be honest ...' 'It's difficult to say ...'

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