Real World 8

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12/7/2011 9:53:00 AM (iv.

Interesting facts about the Thomsons Gazelle (v.)

The Thomsons Gazelles (ii.) are medium sized animals that are similar to whitetail deer that inhabit the area we live in. These graceful animals on the other hand live in African, Asia, and about as far east as Mongolia. The Thomsons Gazelles move around in herds and group together in herds as big as several hundred Thomsons Gazelles.

Basic Facts on the Thomsons Gazelle: Type of animal: mammal Diet: Herbivore Average life span in the wild: 10 to 12 years. Size: Height at the shoulder, 20 to 43in (51 to 109cm) Weight: 26 to 165 lbs. (12 to 75 kg) Group name: Herd The environment they prefer: The typical Thomsons Gazelle loves the wide open areas and plains where leaves, shoots and grasses grow for them to eat. They also go near streams or rivers for water. Other gazelles tend to roam the grasslands for mountainous landscapes or even deserts. Their predators and typical speeds: Since they like to be in open spaces such as the plains, they are also visible to i. predators such as cheetahs or wild dogs The only way for them to survive the attacks from their enemies is their speed. The Thomsons gazelle can reach speeds

Comment [h1]: Insert a period after dogs. Comment [h2]: Gazelle should be capitalized.


12/7/2011 9:53:00 AM (iv.)

up to 40 miles (64 kilometers) an hour. As an advantage, the Thomsons Gazelles can also use a bounding leap, called stotting or pronking, to avoid being a hungry cheetahs dinner.

Recap: The Thomsons Gazelle is an overall nimble and beautiful animal with a mix of different stripes and markings on their coats and rumps. They also have magnificent ringed horns and they are made to be as attractive as game animals.


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