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Vortaretoj de aCGoE

60: 23: 33: 36: 59: 26: 28: 28: 55: 38: 07: 33: 45: 53: 11: 06: 58: 22: 08: 24: 13: 03: 43: 51: 58: 17: 11: 08: 31: aboni to subscribe to, take aeti to buy c adia farewell, goodbye u administri to manage adreso address aero air afabla amiable, aable afero thing, matter, aair Afriko Africa agi to act agrabla pleasant, agreeable akcepti to accept, to receive akompani to accompany akuzi to accuse akvo water al to, toward Aleksandrio Alexandria Aleksandro Alexander Alfredo Alfred alia other, another almena at least u alta high, tall amaso heap, throng amba both (238) u Ameriko America ami to love amiko friend amuzi to amuse angla English 1

11: 32: 44: 18: 08: 36: 60: 59: 08: 49: 18: 04: 10: 27: 48: 03: 46: 54: 58: 30: 48: 06: 23: 32: 40: 34: 49: 06: 06: 12: 18: 34:

anka also u ankora still, yet u anonci to announce anstata instead of u anta before, in front of u antikva ancient aparato apparatus aparta separate aparteni to belong apena hardly, scarcely u aprilo April apud near, in the vicinity of arabo arab araneo spider arani to arrange g arbo tree Arhimedo Archimedes Aristejdo Aristeides Aristotelo Aristotle aritmetiko arithmetic arto art Arturo Arthur asparago asparagus ataki to attack atendi to wait (for), to expect atenta attentive atmosfero atmosphere a or u a . . . a . . . either . . . or . . . u u adi to hear u agusto August u askulti to listen u

58: 60: 19: 25: 51: 27:

Astralio Australia u atomata automatic u atuno autumn, fall u avo grandfather azeno ass, donkey Azio Asia

34: 24: 28: 10: 46: 55: 28: 22: 28: 32: 59: 02: 51: 04: 48: 41: 11: 58: 07: 39: 02: 02: 12: 07: 02: 42: 10: 60: 42: babili to chatter baki to bake balanci to balance, to nod balda soon u bani to bathe (transitive) barbaro barbarian barbo beard barelo barrel batalo battle bati to beat bedauri to regret bela beautiful beni to bless benko bench bero berry besto animal bezoni to need biblioteko library bildo picture bileto ticket birdo bird blanka white blovi to blow blua blue bona good bordo bank, shore Bostono Boston bovo ox brako arm 2

04: 23: 21: 02: 28: 47: 05: 22: 25: 28: 14: 23:

brano branch c brasiko cabbage brila brilliant brili to shine brovo eyebrow bruli to be in ames, to burn bruna brown bruo noise bukedo bouquet buklo curl (of hair) buo mouth s butiko store, shop

56: 39: 30: 32: 38: 47: 56: celi to aim cendo cent cent hundred (142) certa sure, certain cetera remaining cilindro cylinder Ciruso Cyrus

03: 13: 06: 27: 59: 05: 52: 02: 14: 38: 40: ambro room c apelo hat c ar because c e at (125) c efa chief c erizo cherry c esi to cease, to leave o c evalo horse c i (60) c ia of every kind (177) c ial for every reason (188) c

40: 39: 41: 13: 37: 22: 50: 41: 16: 37: 05:

iam always (187) c ie everywhere (182) c iel in every way (193) c ielo sky, heaven c ies every bodys (174) c ifono rag c io everything (233) c iom the whole, all (194) c irka around, roundabout c u iu every-body (173) c u (30) c

22: 55: 26: 45: 07: 43: 07: 19: 37: 32: 14: 22: 52: 19: 47: 37: 11: 31: 32: 52: 24: 20: 60: 21: da of (99) Damoklo Damocles danci to dance danero danger g danki to thank dari to continue u de from decembro December decidi to decide defendi to defend dekstra right (not left) demandi to inquire, to ask densa dense des (84) detrui to destroy devo duty dezerto desert deziri to desire difekti to spoil dini to dene dika thick dimano Sunday c dimensio dimension Dio God 3

22: 07: 09: 04: 21: 59: 34: 31: 05: 03: 41: 06: 02: 51: 41: 49: 15:

Diogeno Diogenes diri to say diro saying, remark diversa various dividi to divide do so, then doktoro doctor dolaro dollar dola sweet c domo house donaco gift, present doni to give dormi to sleep dorso back drapo cloth dubi to doubt dum during

57: 15: 58: 32: 49: 58: 17: 25: 60: 54: 52: 16: 33: 03: 20: 54: 30: 57: ebena level, even e even c eduki to bring up, educate edzo husband efektiva eective, real Egipto Egypt ekster outside (of) ekzameno examination ekzemplo example ekzili to exile ekzisti to exist el out of, out elekti to choose, to select en in energia energetic enui to be wearied, bored eraro error, mistake escepto exception

57: 39: 03: 58: 36:

esperi to hope esprimo expression esti to be estimi to esteem Eropo Europe u

42: 24: 32: 06: 46: 47: 24: 21: 19: 04: 06: 25: 33: 11: 56: 38: 13: 47: 27: 58: 47: 55: 32: 02: 37: 02: 02: 52: 27: 60: fabriki to manufacture facila easy fajro re fali to fall falsi to debase, to forge fama famous familio family fari to make februaro February felia happy c fenestro window fermi to close festi to celebrate, to entertain dela faithful di to rely era proud lo son lozofo philosopher no end, ending rma rm ziko physics anko side ari to smell ava yellow eksi to bend oro ower ugi to y ui to ow fojo time, instance (127) fokuso focus 4

03: 58: 59: 16: 21: 14: 51: 02: 60: 23: 25: 10: 34: 17: 57: 03: 20: 16: 04: 26: 60: 23:

folio leaf fondi to found, establish fontano fountain for away (71) forgesi to forget forko fork formo form forta strong fotogra to photograph frago strawberry frapi to strike, to knock frato brother fralo bachelor u Frederiko Frederick fremda foreign frea fresh s frosto frost frua early frukto fruit fulmo lightning funkcii to function, work funto pound

34: 31: 33: 15: 32: 40: 37: 25: 25: 05: 39: 19: 23: gaja merry, gay gajni to win, to gain ganto glove gardi to guard gasto guest gazeto magazine, gazette genuo knee geometrio geometry germana German Gertrude Gertrude gieto wicket, ticket-window c glacio ice glaso glass, tumbler

16: 50: 30: 02: 17: 36: 52: 22: 12: 08: 34: 05: 26: 45:

glavo sword Gordio Gordius grado grade, degree granda large gratuli to congratulate grava important, serious graviti to gravitate greka Greek greno grain (wheat, corn, etc.) griza gray grupo group gusto taste guto drop (of water, etc.) gvidi to guide

46: 43: 58: 57: 32: 06: 43: 46: 56: 15: 49: 39: 16: 59: 43: 41:

Hierono Hiero hirundo swallow (bird) hispano Spaniard historio history ho! Oh! hodia today u homo human being honesta honest honoro honor honti to be ashamed horizonto horizon horloo clock g horo hour hotelo hotel humoro temper, humor hundo dog

03: 33: 05: 09: 21: 56: 54: g ardeno garden g entila courteous g i it g is as far as, up to, down to g ojo joy g ui to enjoy g usta exact

35: hino Chinaman

44: 45: 45: 46: 44: 46: 43: 04: 38: 55: 45: 07: 59: 5 ia some kind of (208) ial for some reason (213) iam sometimes (212) ideo idea ie somewhere (209) iel somehow (216) ies some ones (204) ili they imagi to imagine imperio empire indiferenta indierent infano child inko ink

51: 28: 04: 25: 49: 15: 14: 04: 09: halti to stop (intransitive) haro hair havi to have hejmo home hela clear, bright helpi to help, to aid helpo help herbo grass hiera yesterday u

53: 47: 37: 19: 07: 17: 33: 50: 46: 08: 36: 43:

instrui to teach insulo island intenci to intend inter between, among (85) interesa interesting intereso interest inviti to invite io anything (233) iom some (217) iri to go itala Italian iu some one (203)

40: urnalo journal, paper 33: us just, at the moment

14: 02: 30: 10: 60: 03: 24: 02: 58: 10: 09: 15: 08: 09: 52: 12: 22: 25: 28: 27: 26: 24: 50: 30: 24: 44: 35: 50: 05: 02: 04: 09: 10: 6 kafo coee kaj and kalkuli to calculate, to reckon kamelo camel kamero camera kampo eld kanapo sofa kanti to sing kapabla capable kapo head kapti to catch, to seize kara dear kai to hide, to conceal s kato cat kazi to cause u ke that (conjunction) kelkaj several, some kia what kind of (112) kial why (129) kiam when (123) kie where (118) kies whose (107) kio what (233) kiom how much (140) kiu who (106) klara distinct, clear klera enlightened, learned klini to bend, incline (transitive) knabino girl knabo boy kolekti to gather, to collect kolera angry kolo neck

45: 35: 19: 18: 20: 48: 05: 08: 19: 50: 37: 18: 09: 18: 44: ja indeed (215) jam already januaro January jaro year je at, on (89) jen there, behold (228) jes yes Johano John ju (84) jugo yoke jui to judge g julio July juna young junio June justa upright, just

48: aluza jealous 23: ado Thursday u 46: eti to throw, to cast

03: 04: 08: 35: 57: 40: 46: 58: 57: 53: 38: 53: 57: 22: 48: 53: 55: 55: 41: 21: 13: 15: 58: 12: 23: 59: 38: 10: 31: 20: 59: 19: 59: 45: 23: 49: 44: 32: 58: 56:

kolombo dove koloro color komenci to begin komerco trade, commerce kompari to compare kompati to pity kompreni to understand komuna common, mutual koncerni to concern kondamni to condemn konduki to lead konfesi to confess, to admit konformi to conform koni to be acquainted with konkurso competition konscienco conscience konsenti to consent konsili to advise konsisti to consist konstanta constant konstrui to build kontenta satised kontinento continent kontra against u kontuzo bruise konvena suitable koro heart korpo body kosti to cost kota muddy koverto envelope (for letters) kovri to cover krajono pencil kredi to believe kremo cream krepusko twilight kreski to grow krii to exclaim, to cry Kristo Christ krom beside, save, but 7

46: 32: 42: 06: 43: 24: 32: 14: 53: 16: 15: 02: 24: 03: 24: 33: 36: 22: 54: 21:

krono crown kruela cruel kruta steep kudri to sew kuglo bullet kuiri to cook kuko cake kulero spoon kulpo guilt kun with (70) kuraa courageous g kuri to run kurteno curtain kui to lie (down) s kutimo custom kuzo cousin kvadrata square kvankam although kvaza as though, as if (250) u kvieta quiet, calm

02: 20: 20: 37: 23: 35: 21: 42: 04: 40: 16: 31: 31: 40: 08: la the labori to work, to labor laca tired, weary lago lake lakto milk lanco spear, lance lando land, country lano wool lara wide, broad g larmo tear lasi to leave lasta last latina Latin la according to (191) u ladi to praise u

22: 09: 24: 60: 08: 23: 52: 41: 24: 48: 17: 46: 35: 08: 50: 32: 25: 22: 22: 46: 03: 41: 07: 20: 02:

lata loud u lavi to wash leciono lesson ledo leather legi to read legomo vegetable leo law g leono lion lerni to learn lerta skilled, clever letero letter levi to lift, to raise libera free libro book ligi to tie, to bind ligno wood lingvo language lito bed loi to dwell, to reside g loko place longa long ludi to play luma light (not dark) lundo Monday luno moon

18: 33: 04: 09: 40: 14: 20: 05: 31: 02: majo May malgra notwithstanding u mani to eat g mano meal g maniero manner, way mano hand mardo Tuesday Mario Mary maro sea mari to walk s 8

18: 47: 20: 41: 05: 42: 28: 46: 30: 59: 53: 21: 60: 10: 35: 21: 30: 58: 43: 30: 13: 04: 60: 51: 18: 21: 11: 36: 12: 13: 38: 55: 40: 18: 07: 51:

marto March maino machine s mateno morning materialo material matura ripe meblo piece of furniture mejlo mile mem self, selves (219) memori to remember mendi to order (of stores, etc) meriti to deserve merkredo Wednesday metalo metal meti to put, to place metodo method, way mezo middle mil thousand (142) miliono million militi to ght, to make war minuto minute miri to wonder mola soft momento moment monaho monk monato month mondo world mono money monto mountain montri to show, to point out morga tomorrow u morti to die moto a title (258) s movi to move (transitive) multa much (multaj, many) muro wall muta dumb, mute

35: 52: 10: 04: 31: 60: 11: 19: 05: 48: 49: 48: 48: 49: 47: 50: 49: 47: 25: 57: 09: 04: 53: 15: 22: 36: 12: 59: 12: 19: 25: 13: 19: 59: 07: 10: nacio nation naturo nature nazo nose ne not, no necesa necessary negativo negative nei to snow g neo snow g nek neither, nor nenia no kind of (224) nenial for no reason (229) neniam never (226) nenie nowhere (225) neniel in no way (230) nenies nobodys (221) nenio nothing (233) neniom none, no (231) neniu no one (220) nepo grandson nepre inevitably, certainly nesto nest nigra black nobla noble nokto night nombro number (quantity) nomo name norda north, northern Nov-Jorko New York nova new novembro November nu! Well! nubo cloud nuda bare, naked numero number (numeral) nun now nur only, merely

57: 60: 52: 57: 50: 59: 18: 26: 12: 19: 28: 26: 28: 40: 18: 13: 49: 12: 34: 12: 44: 55: 51: 12: 60: 46: 43: 54: 54: 23: obei to obey objektivo lens, objective objekto object obstina obstinate ofero oering oco oce, employment ofta frequent (ofte, often) okazi to happen, to occur okcidenta west, western oktobro October okulharo eyelash okulo eye okulvitroj spectacles okupi to occupy ol than (82) ombrelo umbrella ombro shadow oni (54) onklo uncle opinii to think, to opine oportuna convenient ordoni to order, to bid orelo ear orienta east, eastern originalo original oro gold osto bone ostracismo ostracism ostro oyster ovo egg

21: paci to be at peace 27: pacienco patience 9

31: 31: 39: 35: 40: 24: 25: 53: 13: 33: 13: 31: 09: 42: 44: 09: 26: 49: 53: 16: 33: 31: 28: 48: 14: 08: 55: 05: 24: 38: 51: 26: 27: 42: 23: 55: 27: 07: 60: 17:

pafarko bow (for shooting) pa to shoot pagi to pay pao page g pala pale pano bread papero paper pardoni to pardon parko park paro pair paroli to talk, to speak parto part, share pasero sparrow pasi to pass (intransitive) pati to feed (ocks, etc.) s patro father peco piece pejzao landscape g peki to sin peli to drive, to chase pendi to hang peni to strive, to try pensi to think, to ponder pentri to paint per by means of (64) perdi to lose permesi to permit persiko peach persono person peti to plead, to request petola mischievous peza heavy piedo foot pitoreska picturesque pizo pea plai to please c plafono ceiling planko oor plato plate (photographic, etc.) plej most (74)

56: 44: 17: 17: 21: 52: 17: 11: 12: 37: 40: 26: 02: 42: 54: 21: 07: 11: 41: 09: 48: 16: 59: 54: 15: 53: 48: 05: 15: 38: 35: 13: 21: 39: 33: 13: 18: 19: 47: 44: 10

plena full plendi to complain plezuro pleasure pli more (74) plori to weep plu further, more plumo pen pluvi to rain pluvo rain po at the rate of (175) polico police polvo dust pomo apple ponto bridge popolo a people por for (95) pordo door porti to carry posedi to own, to possess post after, behind postuli to demand poo pocket s poto post (letters, etc.) s poto pot povi to be able prava right, correct precipa principal, chief preferi to prefer preni to take prepari to prepare presi to print preska almost u preta ready preter beyond, past prezo price pri concerning, about printempo spring (season) pro because of (86) problemo problem proceso legal process

56: 36: 13: 20: 57: 15: 51: 60: 56: 35: 38: 41: 22: 10:

prokrasti to delay (transitive) proksima near promeni to take a walk promeno walk, promenade promesi to promise propono proposal propra own, ones own provi to try provizi to provide pulvo gunpowder puni to punish pupo doll pura clean pui to push s

49: 16: 44: 17: 20: 27: 16: 38: 50: 48: 17: 60: 27: 33: 43: 36: 59: 15: 36: 16: 56: radio ray rajdi to ride rajto right, privilege rakonti to relate (77) rakonto story, narrative rampi to crawl rapidi to hasten reciproka reciprocal, mutual regi to rule, to govern regulo rule reo king g reklami to advertise rekta direct, straight renkonti to meet renversi to upset, to overturn reprezenti to represent respekto respect respondi to answer respubliko republic resti to remain, to stay rezulti to result

30: 11: 21: 07: 19: 57: 27: 44: 20: 21: 19: 06: 04: 41: 03: 03: 15:

ricevi to receive ria rich, wealthy c ridi to laugh rigardi to look (at) rikolti to harvest rilato relation rimarki to notice ripari to mend, to repair ripozi to rest, to repose riproi to reproach c rivero river Roberto Robert rompi to break rosti to roast rozo rose rua red g ruza sly, cunning

23: 11: 31: 16: 11: 24: 45: 25: 31: 34: 50: 57: 57: 25: 51: 04: 03: 11: 11 sabato Saturday sablo sand sago arrow saa wise g sako sack, bag salono parlor salti to leap, to jump saluti to greet sama same sana in good health sankta sacred, holy sata satiated savi to save scii to know (117) se if sed but seo chair g seka dry

30: 26: 20: 53: 54: 27: 34: 19: 26: 17: 37: 18: 08: 03: 54: 43: 46: 26: 38: 34: 47: 08: 55: 27: 17: 06: 53: 55: 27: 18: 54: 42: 56: 56: 59: 47: 51: 58: 39: 37:

sekundo second sekvi to follow semajno week sen without (248) senco meaning, sense sendi to send senti to feel septembro September seri to hunt for, to search c servisto servant severa severe sezono season si himself, etc. (40) sidi to sit signi to signify signo sign, mark Sikelio Sicily silenta still, silent simila like, similar sinjoro gentleman Sirakuzo Syracuse skatolo small box or case sklavo slave Skotlando Scotland skribi to write skui to shake Sokrato Socrates sola sole, only soldato soldier somero summer soni to sound sonori to ring (intransitive) sopiri to yearn, to sigh spaco space speciala special spegulo mirror spiri to breathe spite in spite of stacio station stango pole

06: 59: 54: 08: 60: 25: 06: 26: 12: 44: 22: 27: 02: 13: 30: 14: 27: 03: 09: 42: 32: 42: 37:

stari to stand stato state (political body) stranga strange strato street strei to stretch (transitive) c studi to study sub under, beneath subita sudden suda south, southern suferi to suer sua sucient, enough c sukcesi to succeed suno sun super above superjaro leap-year supo soup supre above sur on surprizi to surprise surtuto overcoat suspekti to suspect svingi to swing, to brandish sviso Swiss

03: 35: 05: 54: 42: 44: 47: 15: 42: 34: 33: ajni to seem s ani to change s g ati to like s elo shell, bark, peel s ipo ship s nuro string s rabo screw s u teli to steal s tono stone s tupo step (of stairs) s uo shoe s


02: 18: 11: 07: 34: 35: 26: 39: 14: 50: 20: 43: 09: 35: 19: 14: 56: 15: 18: 17: 16: 20: 14: 13: 50: 23: 36: 45: 13: 26: 07: 31: 59: 14: 40: 10: 14: tablo table tago day tamen nevertheless tapio carpet s taso cup teda tiresome, tedious tegmento roof telefoni to telephone telero plate templo temple tempo time tendo tent teni to hold, to keep teo tea tero ground, earth terpomo potato terura terrible tia that kind of (65) tial therefore (78) tiam then (73) tie there (68) tiel thus, so (88) ties that ones (62) timi to fear, to be afraid (of) tio that (thing) (233) tiom that much (104) tirano tyrant tiri to draw, to pull tiu that (56) tondro thunder tra through traduki to translate tramo tram trani to cut c trankvila calm, tranquil trans across tre very, exceedingly

11: 20: 48: 49: 04: 43: 15: 51: 52: 38: 10:

trinki to drink tro too, too much trompi to deceive tropika tropical trovi to nd truo hole tuj immediately turmenti to torment turni to turn (transitive) tui to touch s tuta whole, entire, all

10: urbo city 50: utila useful 33: uzi to use

39: 39: 28: 42: 10: 58: 22: 12: 37: 23: 53: 11: 27: 12: 12: 28: 13 vagono car valizo valise vango cheek vaporo steam varma warm vasta vast, extensive veki to wake velki to wilt, to wither vendi to sell vendredo Friday veneno poison veni to come venki to conquer vento wind ventoago weathercock verando porch, veranda

03: 57: 56: 41: 20: 22: 12: 42: 14: 04: 23: 37: 48: 18: 02: 06: 02: 28: 09: 22: 15: 34: 11: 16: 05: 55: 37:

verda green verki to compose (books or music) vero truth veri to pour s vespero evening vesto garment, clothes vetero weather veturi to travel (in a vehicle) viando meat vidi to see vilao village g Vilhelmo William vino wine vintro winter violo violet virino woman viro man vivi to live (133) vizao face g viziti to visit voo voice c vojao voyage, journey g vojo road, way voki to call voli to wish volonte willingly vorto word

13: zorga careful 17: zorgo care


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