Harrison Bergeron

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Kelle Todd English 102-106 Mr.

Larry Neuberger 13 February 2012 Harrison Bergeron In Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr., the government handicaps each individual by diminishing him or her of lesser value than what is considered a normal individual. In Vonnegut fictional society, equality is present; however, each citizens individuality is taken way. A couple named George and Hazel are prime example based on their intellect and emotions. The government-punishes Gorge for having a higher IQ than what an average person would obtain. . while Gorge his intelligence was way above normal, had a little mental handicap radio in his ear (294). Hazel is an emotional confused wreck her-self. There were tears on Hazels cheeks, but she had forgotten for the moment what there where about (294). The couple had a son with high intellect named Harrison, who is in prison for trying to over through the government. A breaking report about Harrisons actions bulletined crossed the television screen as Hazel was watching the ballet. Hazel is crying once again with no remembrance of why she could possibly be crying. Insult Gorge and Hazel was diminished and had their individuality taken away based on their emotions and intellect. (198) Vonegut Jr, Hurt. "Harrison Bergeron." Power Of Language Language Of Power A Collection Of Readings. Second ed. Boston: Person, 2011. 293-300. Print. Power Of Language Language Of Power A Collection Of Readings.

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