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Year 10 Lab experiment: ENZYMES.

IMPORTANT: You will need to perform these tests in the future.

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Introduction: In this laboratory exercise, you will be observing different enzymatic reactions and recording your observations. With this information, you will assemble your lab report to explain your observations. There are two enzymes we will be observing, catalase and amylase. Catalase: Hydrogen peroxide (H202) is a toxic substance, yet it is produced in cells as a waste product of many metabolic activities. To avoid the accumulation of this toxic product, many cells contain an enzyme called catalase. Catalase rapidly degrades hydrogen peroxide to form oxygen and water: Catalase 2 H2O2 (aq) 2 H 20

reaction rates of an enzyme cataly

+ O2 (g)

Amylase: is an enzyme that breaks down starch into simple sugars. Amylase is present in human saliva, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. Foods that contain much starch but little simple sugars, such as rice or potato, taste slightly sweet as when they are chewed, amylase turns some of their starch into small sugars in the mouth. Procedure: Remember to keep your controlled variables constant (final volume of each test tube and size of liver and potato) Catalase: you will need 6 tubes: (- Record your observations, be detailed!). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Potato + H2O2 - at room temperature Potato + 80C 2 minutes Then add H2O2 Potato + HCl 2 minutes Then add H2O2 Liver + H2O2 Liver + 80C 2 minutes Then add H2O2 Liver + HCl 2 minutes Then add H2O2

Amylase: you will have 3 test tubes: (- Record your observations, be detailed!). 1. Saliva + starch 2 minutes at room temperature Test with iodine or Benedicts 2. Saliva + 80C 2 minutes add starch wait 2 minutes Test with iodine or Benedicts 3. Saliva + HCl 2 minutes add starch wait 2 minutes Test with iodine or Benedicts.

Year 10 Lab experiment: ENZYMES.

IMPORTANT: You will need to perform these tests in the future.

Write your report!

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