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446 454 Notes y y y y y y Weather earths motions and energy from the sun Weather and climate have

ve much in common Weather is constantly changing Weather is a term used for the state of atmosphere at a given time Climate is what you expect but the weather is what you get Climate is based on elements 1. Air temperature 2. Humidity 3. Type and amount of cloudiness 4. Type and amount of precipitation 5. Air pressure 6. The speed and direction of the wind Air is a mixture of various gases Water vapor the amount of water in the air Aerosols the movement of the atmosphere Ozone a form of oxygen that combines 3 oxygen in each molecule O3 Water vapor + Aerosols + Ozone = Atmosphere Troposphere the bottom layer in which we live Environmental lapse rate the rate in which the temp decreases in the troposphere = 6.5 Celsius per kilo Tropopause the outer boundary of the troposphere Stratosphere the area beyond the tropopause Stratopause outermost layer of stratosphere Mesosphere area beyond the stratopause (Mesopause) Thermosphere Last layer

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