How To Use The SAP Exit Variables - PowerUser

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How to use the SAP Exit variables?

Scenario: Create an exit variable that shows all submitted months data except the last 3 months?

Step I:
Restrict on the Submitted Month Data element -

Step II:
Show Variables; then Drag and drop the Current Calendar month to Right hand side panel.

Step III:
Now Set offset for that Current Calendar month variable to -1 and save the selection. Select the Variable Current Calendar month and then select the Set offset for variable

Submit the value -1 which indicated the last month

Step IV:
Click on the Red button, available next to variable offset to exclude the Selection.

Repeat Step -1 to Step 4 by submitting the value -2 and -3.

Output before offset variable scenario implemented.

Output after execution:

The same rule is applicable on calendar day also.

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